Human CD4+ CD25+ Regulatory+ T Cell Isolation Kit

Product: Tofacitinib

Human CD4 CD25 Regulatory T Cell Isolation Kit Summary

For the isolation of human regulatory T cells from a preparation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). The MagCellect Human CD4+CD25+ Regulatory T Cell Isolation Kit is designed to isolate human CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells using a two-step procedure that combines both negative and positive selection techniques. The resulting cell preparation is highly enriched for CD4+CD25+ T cells with a purity of recovered cells ranging between 85-95%.

Key Benefits:

  • Yields highly enriched populations (85-95%) of Treg cells
  • Does not require specialized instrumentation
  • Obtains isolated Treg cells by a combination of negative and positive selection

  • Kit Type
    Isolation Kit

    Packaging, Storage & Formulations

    Store at 4C. Do not freeze.

    Kit Components

    1. 1.0 ml of a Human CD4+ T Cell Biotinylated Antibody Cocktail, 0.5 ml of a Anti-Human CD25 Biotinylated Antibody (Clone 24238), 1.0 ml of a Human CD4+CD25+ Regulatory T Cell Staining Reagent, 2.0 ml of a Streptavidin Ferrofluid, 25 ml of a 10X Buffer


    Why Isolate Regulatory T Cells: Regulatory T cells (Treg), are a minor subset of CD4+ T cells that can suppress the development and progression of immune reactions. They also play an important role in the balance between tolerance and autoimmunity. Treg cells are characterized by the expression of CD4 and CD25 on the cell surface and the intracellular transcription factor FoxP3. The isolation of regulatory T cells facilitates research into their critical role in immune system regulation. Precaution: Some components of this kit contain Sodium Azide, which may react with lead and copper plumbing to form explosive metallic azides. Flush with large volumes of water during disposal. Other Supplies Required: MagCellect Magnet, 12 x 75 mm (5 ml) or 17 x 100 mm (15 ml) polystyrene round bottom tubes, Sterile Pasteur pipettes or transfer pipettes or equivalent

    PMID: 19882609