CD3 epsilon Antibody (APA1/1)

Product: Pemetrexed (disodium hemipenta hydrate)

CD3 epsilon Antibody (APA1/1) Summary

Purified human CD3 proteins isolated from thymus
The mouse monoclonal antibody APA1/1 recognizes an activation-dependent intracellular epitope of CD3 epsilon. Exposure of the epitope precedes CD3 phosphorylation and recruitment and activation of ZAP70, which initiates the signaling cascade produced by T-cell activation. APA1/1 provides the earliest known marker for TCR-mediated T cell activation.
Protein A purified
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  • Western Blot 1:1000
  • Flow Cytometry 1:10-1:1000
  • Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence 1:10-1:500
  • Immunohistochemistry 1:10-1:500
  • Immunohistochemistry-Frozen 1:200
  • Immunoprecipitation 1:50
  • CyTOF-ready
Application Notes
Flow Cytometry: Sample preparation – At the end of stimulation of T cells, perform staining of surface markers (if required) in PBS + 0.1% BSA for 20 min. on ice. Wash with PBS and fix with 2% formaldehyde, 30 min on ice. Wash with PBS and incubate in PBS + 0,1% saponine, 5 min. RT. Incubate the cells in PBS + 1% BSA + 0.03% saponine, 15 min. on ice. Incubate with fluorescence-labeled APA1/1 antibody (1-2 ug/ml) in PBS + 1% BSA + 0.03% saponine in dark, 20 min. RT. Wash with PBS + 1% BSA + 0.03% saponine, resuspend in PBS. Immunocytochemistry: Fixed and permeabilised cells. The antibody can distinguish TCR-stimulated from non-stimulated cells.

Reactivity Notes

Please note that this antibody is reactive to Mouse and derived from the same host, Mouse. Additional Mouse on Mouse blocking steps may be required for IHC and ICC experiments. Please contact Technical Support for more information.

Packaging, Storage & Formulations

Store at 4C. Do not freeze.
PBS (pH 7.4)
15mM Sodium Azide
1.0 mg/ml
Protein A purified

Alternate Names for CD3 epsilon Antibody (APA1/1)

  • CD3 epsilon
  • CD3e antigen
  • CD3e antigen, epsilon polypeptide (TiT3 complex)
  • CD3e molecule, epsilon (CD3-TCR complex)
  • CD3e
  • CD3-epsilon
  • FLJ18683
  • T3E
  • T-cell antigen receptor complex, epsilon subunit of T3
  • T-cell surface antigen T3/Leu-4 epsilon chain
  • T-cell surface glycoprotein CD3 epsilon chain
  • TCRE


CD3 complex is crucial in transducing antigen-recognition signals into the cytoplasm of T cells and in regulating the cell surface expression of the TCR complex. T cell activation through the antigen receptor (TCR) involves the cytoplasmic tails of the CD3 subunits CD3 gamma, CD3 delta, CD3 epsilon and CD3 zeta. These CD3 subunits are structurally related members of the immunoglobulins super family encoded by closely linked genes on human chromosome 11. The CD3 components have long cytoplasmic tails that associate with cytoplasmic signal transduction molecules. This association is mediated at least in part by a double tyrosine-based motif present in a single copy in the CD3 subunits. CD3 may play a role in TCR-induced growth arrest, cell survival and proliferation.

PMID: 8788416