Ristics of responders and non-responders are listed in Table 2. Female respondents represented 39 of the sample. The mean age at injury was 30.8 years and mean years since injury was 28.8. Mild injury represented 79 of the cases. Motor vehicle and motorcycle collisions were the most common injury cause. For each comparison in Table 2, the differences between responders and non-responders RAF709 cost reached statistical significance; however, with the exception of distribution by injury severity, the numeric differences appear relatively minor. Of the 605 responders, 93 completed the survey by themselves. The responder characteristics at the time of injury were compared PubMed ID:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20739384 between mild and moderate-to-severe cases. There were no significant differences in either sex or age at injury (data not shown). However, a significant differenceTable 2. Demographic and Injury Characteristics of Responders Compared to Non-responders. Responders Number ( ) Sex: Male, no. ( ) Age at injury, years, mean ( D) Time since injury, years, mean ( D) Injury severity, no. ( ) Mild Moderate to severe Cause of TBI, no. ( ) Fall MVC and motorcycle Recreationala OtherbBicycle, snowmobile, or other recreation. Occupational, assault, gunshot, or other. MVC, motor vehicle collision; TBI, traumatic brain injury.b aNon-responders 1018 685 28.1 27.2 (63) (67) (?1.1) (?0.3)p Value 0.013 <0.001 0.003 <0.001 <0.605 370 30.8 28.(37) (61) (?2.9) (?0.8)479 (79) 126 (21) 91 333 115 66 (15) (55) (19) (11)875 (86) 143 (14) 143 567 125 183 (14) (56) (12) (18)VERY-LONG-TERM OUTCOMES AFTER TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY was detected for injury cause ( p ?0.002). Among the four cause of injury categories, the 333 injuries due to MVC and motorcycle accidents accounted for 52 of mild and 67 of moderate-to-severe injury; the 115 injuries due to recreational causes accounted for 22 of mild and 10 of moderate-tosevere injuries (data not shown). Table 3 summarizes the characteristics of the responders at the time of injury with respect to level of productive activity. The comparison between mild and moderate-to-severe cases was limited to a comparison between full-time/part-time employed, full-time/part-time student, volunteer/homemaker, and unemployed. The categories ``retired'' and ``retired/disability'' were not included in the comparison. In this analysis, there was no difference between mild and moderateto-severe injuries ( p ?0.72). Tables 4, 5, 6, and 7 summarize responder characteristics at the time of survey completion. A significant difference was detected for time since injury when comparing respondents with mild versus moderate-to-severe injuries (Table 4). Though statistically significant, this difference may lack clinical relevance. Overall, 97 of respondents reported living in the community (outside of institutional settings such as assisted-living or skilled care), the majority were married, and more than 70 of respondents reporting having achieved education beyond high school. Table 5 shows that 61 of the sample was currently employed. When compared with Table 3, the percentage of respondents reporting they were unemployed was 2 at the time of injury and 3 at the time of survey completion. Comparing responders who experienced mild injuries to those who experienced moderate-to-severe injuries, comparable percentages reported working exclusively full time at the time of injury (60.8 mild and 65.9 moderate to severe), and at the time of survey (44.1 mild and 38.9 moderate to severe).
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