As those function identified potassium channel toxins [25]. GT028876 may be aAs those function identified

As those function identified potassium channel toxins [25]. GT028876 may be a
As those function identified potassium channel toxins [25]. GT028876 may be a new group of short chain K+ channel blockers. GT028663 and GT028654 belong to the most abundant a-KTx cluster which is encoded by 70 ESTs. Both transcripts were supposed to encode a mature peptide with 49 amino acid residues. The mature peptides are constrained by 4 disulfide PubMed ID: bridges, which is distinct to most other putative a-KTx toxins obtained from both scorpion populations. Blast search presented homologous Tx771 putative potassium channel toxin from Buthus occitanus Israelis and male-specific potassium channel inhibitor IsTX from Opisthacanthus madagascariensis which was proved to be a blocker to voltagegated potassium channels Kv1.1 and Kv1.3. Surprisingly, the highest abundant toxin type from Yunnan-sourced Lychas mucronatus has no homologous transcript in Hainan-sourced population. Although there is still no clue on exact function of this a-KTx cluster, it is maybeFigure 4 Sequence alignment of NaTx. GT02s represent the dbEST accession Nilotinib supplier numbers for Yunnan-sourced Lychas mucronatus cDNA library. EU15s represent the GenBank accession numbers for Hainan-sourced Lychas mucronatus cDNA library. (A) Sequence alignment of a-NaTx. P0C8X5 represents Toxin Tst3 from Tityus stigmurus, P84646 represents Alpha-toxin OD1 from Odontobuthus doriae. (B) Sequence alignment of bNaTx. P01492 represents Toxin CsEv1 from Centruroides sculpturatus, Q9UAC9 represents BmKAS from Mesobuthus martensii, P01497 represents AaH IT1 from Androctonus australis.Ruiming et al. BMC Genomics 2010, 11:452 7 ofFigure 5 Sequence alignment of a-KTxs. GT02s represent the dbEST accession numbers for Yunnan-sourced Lychas mucronatus cDNA library. EU15s represent the GenBank accession numbers for Hainan-sourced Lychas mucronatus cDNA library. A9QLM3 represents the first reported toxin (LmKTx8) from Hainan-sourced population. Q967L8 represents the defensin-like protein TXKS2 from Mesobuthus martensii. B8XH44 represents the putative potassium channel toxin Tx771 from Buthus occitanus Israelis. Q3L666 represents the KTx-like peptide kk4 from Mesobuthus martensii. P0C194 represents the male-specific potassium channel inhibitor IsTX from Opisthacanthus madagascariensis.very important for the survival of Yunnan-sourced Lychas mucronatus. Besides, another 2 ESTS cluster represented by GT028917 also possesses of the same cysteine pattern as above-mentioned sequences. These 72 ESTs form another new group of short chain K + channel blockers together. EU163848 represents the most abundant a-KTx cluster in Hainan-sourced population. It possesses of a 32 amino acid mature peptide with a pI of 4.82. This 31 ESTs encoded acidic a-KTx cluster has homologous cluster represented by GT028769 in Yunnan-sourced population. But the abundance of these acidic putative K+ channel toxins is quite distinct between two populations and their PubMed ID: functions are also to be identified. Potassium scorpion toxins are usually classified into 4 subfamilies: a, b, g and KTxs [13]. Each subfamily consists of several groups. Based on similar analysis as described before [38], GT028811 and GT029234 belong to a-KTx12 group, GT028874 belongs to a-KTx17 group, and the other short chain KTxs constitute at least 4 new groups. a-KTx is the most abundant toxin type in Yunnan-sourced population. It takes parts of nearly 23 of total toxin-like peptides, which is nearly 2-fold higher than 13 in Hainan.