Se the null phenotype of spslu7-1. The information implicate the SpSlu7 zinc knuckle motif in facilitating necessary interactions. A missense spslu7 mutant confers splicing defects for cellular transcripts. As a consequence of the null phenotype of spslu7-1, we screened for conditional mutants in I374, a hydrophobic and likely buried residue, as mutations in such residues are predicted to destabilize proteins (41). The spslu7I374G mutant, henceforth known as spslu7-2, carried on the pREP41 MHN plasmid, was identified as a slow-growing mutant (see Fig. S2C inside the supplemental material). Subsequently, we integrated Pnmt81::spslu7 or Pnmt81::spslu7 I374G expression cassettes in the leu1 locus to obtain the WT (spslu7 Pnmt81::spslu7 ) and spslu7-2 (spslu7 Pnmt81::spslu7 I374G) strains (Fig. 2A, leading and bottom panels, respectively; seeAugust 2013 Volume 33 Numbermcb.asm.orgBanerjee et al.FIG 2 A thiamine-repressible spslu7 missense mutant has intron-specific splicing roles. (A) Diagram from the spslu7 Pnmt81:spslu7 (WT) and Pnmt81: spslu7I374G (spslu7-2) strains. (B) Growth kinetics of WT or mutant cells at 30 , the optimal temperature, within the absence ( T) or presence ( T) of 15 M thiamine added to early-log-phase cultures. (C and D) Reverse transcription-PCR analyses of the splicing status of tfIId I1 (C) and ade2 I2 (D) in RNA from WT and mutant cells grown within the absence ( T) or presence ( T) of thiamine for 28 h. RNA from the temperature-sensitive prp2-1 mutant grown at 25 or at 37 for 2 h (lanes 6 and 7) was a handle for transcript isoforms. Genomic DNA PCR solution served as a mobility marker for the pre-mRNA (lanes five). Pre-mRNA and mRNA levels normalized to that of your intronless act1 transcripts have been plotted for the WT and mutant as identified from a number of experiments (n three or four). P and M denote positions of pre-mRNA and mRNA within the gel, respectively.FIG 1 The SpSlu7 C113A mutant protein is nuclear localized.PA-9 (A) Diagram ofthe FY527 pREP42EGFPN-spslu7 and FY527 pREP42EGFPN spslu7C113A strains. (B) Cellular localization of EGFP-tagged wild-type (left panel) and zinc knuckle mutant (C113A) (correct panel) SpSlu7 proteins in reside cells. A merge of differential interference contrast (DIC) and fluorescence images is shown. (C) Immunoblotting benefits showing stability of MH-tagged SpSlu7 wild-type or mutant (C113A) proteins in whole-cell extracts of FY527pREP41MHN spslu7 (lane 1), FY527-pREP41MHN spslu7C113A (lanes three and 4), FY527-pREP41MHN vector (lane 5), as a manage, and spslu7 pREP41MHN spslu7 cells (lane six).Streptomycin sulfate The Coomasie blue-stained gel served as a loading handle.PMID:24257686 also Fig. S2A within the supplemental material). Development at 30 was monitored when either allele was fully expressed or repressed (Fig. 2B, T and T) and showed robust development of the wild-type strain under either condition. Importantly, the mutant strain was slow increasing even when spslu7-2 was overexpressed ( T) and, upon transcriptional repression, arrested after 28 h of thiamine supplementation. Thus, even though even basal transcription of spslu7 sustains growth, low level of spslu7-2 expression cannot. The latter phenotype was rescued on transformation of a plasmid in which wild-type spslu7 was expressed from its own promoter (see Fig. S2B inside the supplemental material). Based on spslu7-2 conditional development, the splicing status of cellular transcripts was assessed. Total RNA from WT (spslu7 Pnmt81::spslu7 ) and mutant (spslu7-2) cells grown for 28 h with or with out thiamine supple-mentation was employed in semiquan.
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