At samples. The main compounds were classified as hywith decreasing TP values corresponding to increasing protein content material. The highest TP droxybenzoic acids (2), hydroxycinnamic acids (12), flavones (3), lignans (1), hydroxybenvalues in brans were observed in the WB LP, BP fraction. As explained, different trends zaldehyde acids (1) and alkylphenols (three). Therefore, a representative all round phenolic profile, had been observed in relation for the TP and protein content material in grain and bran. This could be due based on chosen ion extraction from the Total Ion Chromatogram, is depicted in Figure to distinctive reasons. The bran is actually a tissue very exposed for the environment, as compared two. to the inner parts with the grain, and it can be there where a higher concentration of a specific type of phenolic compound, mainly connected with fiber, samples by described. Ferulic acid was happen to be HPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS. AbbreTable two. Phenolic compounds identified in WG and WB among the main compounds identified in this study; WB LP is obtained from low-protein viations: WG: wheat grain, WB: wheat bran, FP: absolutely free phenolic fraction, BP: bound phenolic fraction. grains, which correspond to winter varieties. Yu and Beta, [50] reported larger levels in WB WG bound phenolic content in winter wheat varieties, as in comparison to spring varieties. Molecular The inverse and protein content material observed in the bran BP fracSub-Class Compound partnership in between TP Ion Fragments Fractio Fractio Formula Error Error tions, not observed in grains (Figure 1), might be linked together with the interaction of phenolic n n compounds with proteins, which O results in complexes that alter the structural properties C7H6 4 Protocatechuic acid 151. 136. 112 -7.58 BP -4.34 BP Hydroxybenzoic on the proteins [51] and their solubility traits. Wheat endosperm consists of mainly acids 135. 125. 121 -7.12 BP -4.22 Hydroxybenzoic acid C H6O3 prolamins and glutelins, although 7albumins and globulins are most abundant in bran. BP Based on De Brier et al. [52], prolamins in wheat bran mostly originate from the C10H10O4 Ferulic acid 178. 149. 134 -3.96 FP-BP 0.17 BP endosperm; hence, the content material depends on the volume of endosperm remaining in the bran C9H8O 119 eight.95 BP n.d. n.d. p-Coumaric acid fraction [53,54]. However, because the 3procedure utilized for getting all brans was identical, Sinapic acid 208 n.Protease-Activated Receptor-4 site d.CTP Purity & Documentation BP this effect could not explainC11H12O5 the differences observed in between WB n.PMID:23812309 d. WB-1.eight and WB HP, MP LP. Nevertheless, Gammoh and colleagues [55] evaluated the antioxidant activity of your 341. (282). 193. C20H18O Diferulic isomer 1 -1.84 BP -2.1 BP diverse protein fractions in wheat 8and found endosperm-related fractions (prolamins (112) and glutelins) had a higherC H O antioxidant capacity than bran-related proteins (albumins Diferulic isomer two 359. 341. 326 -1.58 BP -2.35 BP 20 18 eight and globulins). These authors reported that the antioxidant activities of prolamins and Hydroxycinnamic glutelins wereisomer 3 by phenolic369. 355. 341. 313. -3.39 Diferulic much more affected C20H18O8 removal than albumins and globulins, suggesting BP 1.01 BP acids 271 prolamins and glutelins bind additional phenolic compounds than albumins and globulins [56]. 341. 326. 282. 248. This may possibly contribute to explain the greater optimistic correlation of protein and phenolic C20H18O8 four.38 BP -2.87 BP Diferulic isomer 4 compounds in grains, where endosperm proteins are greater in proportion than in brans. 227 Globulins are among the primary proteins 313.
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