insulinresistance,anddyslipidemiainDMThephenomenon of decreased circulating active metabolites, while sustaining regular clopidogrel happen to be noted in

insulinresistance,anddyslipidemiainDMThephenomenon of decreased circulating active metabolites, while sustaining regular clopidogrel happen to be noted in sufferers with DM.41Moreover, added mechanisms influence clopidogrel resistance brought on by (Continues) the loss of sensitivity to insulin.rs11765845(CREB5)rs4607517(GCK,YKT6)rs6975024(YKT6,GCK)rs11085000(GNA11)8 of|ZHONG et al.AC K N OW L E D G M E N T S This study was supported by the Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (LY19H020003 and LY19H310002), the Program of Science and Technologies on Medicine and Wellness in Zhejiang Province (2019KY650), and the Ningbo Wellness Branding SubjectFund(PPXK2018- 1). 0 C O N FL I C T O F I N T E R E S T The authors declare no conflict of interest. Information AVA I L A B I L I T Y S TAT E M E N T Alldataandmodelsgeneratedorusedduringthestudyareavailable within a repository or online in accordance with funder information retention policies(ProvidefullcitationsthatincludeURLsorDOIs.) ORCID Jinyan Zhong Nan Zheng Jia Su Xiaomin Chen
International Journal ofMolecular SciencesArticleBiotransformation with the Phenolic Constituents from Licorice and Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Their MetabolitesYina Xiao, Fubo Han and Ik-Soo Lee College of Pharmacy, Chonnam National University, Gwangju 61186, Korea; yogurtxiao@163 (Y.X.); hanfubo0306@gmail (F.H.) Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +82-62-530-Abstract: Biotransformation of 4 bioactive phenolic constituents from licorice, namely licoisoflavanone (1), glycyrrhisoflavone (2), echinatin (three), and isobavachalcone (4), was performed by the ATR Activator Molecular Weight selected fungal strain Aspergillus niger KCCM 60332, major towards the isolation of seventeen metabolites (51). Structures with the isolated compounds had been determined around the basis of extensive spectroscopic approaches, twelve of which (five, 107 and 19) happen to be previously undescribed. A series of reactions like hydroxylation, hydrogenation, epoxidation, hydrolysis, reduction, cyclization, and alkylation was observed inside the biotransformation procedure. All compounds have been tested for their cytotoxic activities against three different human cancer cell lines including A375P, MCF-7, and HT-29. Compounds 1 and 12 exhibited most considerable cytotoxic activities against all the cell lines investigated, even though compounds two and 4 were moderately cytotoxic. These findings will contribute to expanding the chemical diversity of phenolic compounds, and compounds 1 and 12 might serve as leads for the improvement of possible cancer chemopreventive agents.Citation: Xiao, Y.; Han, F.; Lee, I.-S. Biotransformation of the Phenolic Constituents from Licorice and Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Their Metabolites. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 10109. ijms221810109 HSP90 Activator manufacturer Academic Editors: Kate ina Valentovand r Vladim K en r Received: 3 September 2021 Accepted: 16 September 2021 Published: 18 SeptemberKeywords: biotransformation; licorice; phenolic compounds; cytotoxicity1. Introduction Biotransformation is often defined as a specific modification (or modifications) of a chemical compound to a product with structural similarity by implies of biological catalysts. A biological catalyst may be a complete microorganism or its enzyme, or other organisms [1]. Microorganisms can catalyze various reactions including hydroxylation, dehydrogenation, methylation, etc., to modify the chemical structure of a bioactive substrate resulting in the formation of metabolites which sustain the core structure with the substr