E alcohol-induced oxidative strain and lipid peroxidation [48,49]. Compared together with the model group in Figure 4D, only the intervention of Selenium-Enriched Dark Tea (DT2) extract could TLR3 Agonist site significantly decrease hepatic MDA level (p 0.001). Additionally, we located that the level of 4-HNE was decreased drastically in four tea extract therapy groups including Dianhong Tea (BT1), Yingde Black Tea (BT2), Fenghuang Danzong Tea (OT2), and Fu Brick Tea (DT1) (p 0.001). three.5. Effects of Tea Extracts on Hepatic Antioxidant Capacity Under standard physiological conditions, the liver possesses a potent antioxidant technique, which can balance the production of excessive ROS. Having said that, the body’s steady antioxidant program may be destroyed by long-term intake of alcohol. Growing proof has demonstrated that acute and chronic ethanol feeding decreased the hepatocyte antioxidant capacity [43,50]. Following chronic alcohol feeding, it was identified that SOD and GSH-Px activities and GSH content within the mouse liver significantly decreased compared with those antioxidant markers in the handle group (p 0.001, Figure five). Nevertheless, there was no significant distinction in CAT activity in between the model and manage groups (p 0.05). Similarly, additionally, it showed no considerable distinction in SOD and GSH-Px activities of all tea extract supplementary groups compared with the model group during chronic ethanol feeding (p 0.05). Furthermore, the activity of CAT was remarkably inhibited in Fu Brick Tea (DT1) extract supplementary group in comparison with all the model group (p 0.05). For a different thing, Tieguanyin Tea (OT1), Fenghuang Danzong Tea (OT2) and Selenium11 of Enriched Dark Tea (DT2) extract supplementary groups showed drastically higher25 levels of GSH than the model group, suggesting that these teas elevated the antioxidant capability, which was constant with our prior study [36].Foods 2021, ten, x FOR PEER REVIEWFigure five. The effects of teas on hepatic antioxidant capacity in mice exposed to chronic alcohol consumption. (A) SOD, on hepatic antioxidant capacity in mice (C) GSH-Px, glutathione peroxidase; Figure five. The effects of P2Y2 Receptor Agonist review teassuperoxide dismutase; (B) CAT, catalase;exposed to chronic alcohol consumption. (A) SOD, superoxide dismutase; (B) CAT, EtOH, the model group; BT1, Dianhong Tea; BT2, (D) GSH, glutathione. CTRL, the manage group; catalase; (C) GSH-Px, glutathione peroxidase; (D) GSH, glutathione.OT1, Tieguanyin Tea; OT2, Fenghuang Danzong BT1, Dianhong Tea; BT2, DT2, Yingde Black Tea; CTRL, the control group; EtOH, the model group; Tea; DT1, Fu Brick Tea; Yingde Black Tea; OT1, Tieguanyin Tea; OT2, Fenghuang Danzong Tea; DT1, Fu Brick Tea; DT2, Selenium-Enriched Dark Tea. p 0.001, the model group compared using the control group; Selenium-Enriched Dark Tea. p 0.001, the model group compared using the control group; # p # p 0.05, ### p 0.001, the tea extract supplementary groups compared together with the model group. 0.05, ### p 0.001, the tea extract supplementary groups compared with the model group.three.6. Effects of Tea Extracts on Hepatic Inflammatory Cytokine Levels Within this research, the production of inflammatory cytokines was measured and it was found that IL-6 and TNF- levels in the model group remarkably elevated in comparisonFoods 2021, 10,Figure five. The effects of teas on hepatic antioxidant capacity in mice exposed to chronic alcohol consumption. (A) SOD, superoxide dismutase; (B) CAT, catalase; (C) GSH-Px, glutathione peroxidase; (D) GSH, glutathi.
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