E S. leptodictya S. caffra S. galpinii T. sericea V. hebeclada V. karroo V. nilotica subsp. kraussiana V. tortilis Z. mucronata SEaSoluble Phenolics GM-L 0.1011aA 0.0801eA 0.0207jB 0.0788eA 0.0377iB 0.0360iB 0.0659gA 0.0869dA 0.0908cA 0.0160kB 0.0935bA 0.0897cA 0.0598hA 0.0688fB AKS-CH 0.0969bB 0.0795dA 0.0830cA 0.0758eB 0.1000aA 0.0564ghA 0.0514iB 0.0385jB 0.0566ghB 0.0334kA 0.0582fgB 0.0561hB 0.0598fA 0.1009aA 0.Condensed Tannins GM-L 66.64cdB 51.51eB 1.14iB 87.55aA three.40iB 2.43iB 71.31cB 12.94hA 80.88bA 0.70iA 28.79gB 62.88dA 35.30fA 15.90hA 1.ABAKS-CH 222.58bA 144.98dA 46.22gA 87.46fA 26.65hA 114.34eA 165.42cA 1.64kB 84.61fA 0.83kA 232.70aA 50.49gB 7.37jB 18.02iAIn a column, indicates with popular lowercase Methyl jasmonate Data Sheet superscripts usually do not differ (p 0.05), Inside a row, signifies with common uppercase superscripts do not differ (p 0.05), SE: Typical error; GM-L: Glenrosa, Mispah and Lithosols soil sort; AKS-CH: Aeolian Kalahari sand, Clovelly and Hutton soil sort.Table 5. Effect of species and soil sort on His, Arg, Ser, Gly, Asp and Glu (g/100 g sample) of browse species discovered in GM-L and AKS-CH soil varieties.Species GM-L D. Benidipine supplier cinerea G. flava M. azedarach P. africanum S. molle S. leptodictya S. caffra S. galpinii T. sericea V. hebeclada V. karroo V. nilotica subsp. kraussiana V. tortilis Z. mucronata SEaHis AKS-CH 0.53fB 0.24hB 0.75cA 0.63deA 0.93aA 0.20iB 0.60eA 0.67dA 0.39gA 0.79bA 0.64dB 0.54fB 0.56 0.55fB 0.fAArg GM-L 1.14dB 1.31cA 1.62aA 0.73hB 1.16dA 0.87gA 0.98efB 0.97efB 0.58iB 1.00eB 1.57bA 1.27cA 0.94 1.16dAfBSer GM-L 0.89dA 0.87dA 1.38aA 0.58hB 0.97cA 0.69gA 0.75efB 0.73fB 0.36iB 0.89dB 1.06bA 0.95cA 0.77 0.97cAeBGly GM-L 0.93fB 0.99eA 1.57aA 0.66iB 1.20bA 0.83gA 0.91fB 0.78hB 0.48jB 0.97eB 1.21bA 1.16cA 0.85 1.06dA 0.gBAsp GM-L 1.257fA two.210bA two.547aA 0.870iB 1.540cdA 1.180gA 1.007hB 1.380eA 0.830iA 1.340eA 1.293fB 1.560cA 0.970 1.510dA 0.hBGlu GM-L 1.70dA 1.91bA 3.07aA 1.16iB 1.74dA 1.41gA 1.53fB 1.64eA 0.86jB 1.69deB 1.93bA 1.94bA 1.35 1.82cAhBAKS-CH 1.18cA 0.78iB 1.34bB 1.06fgA 1.09efB 0.52kB 1.03gA 1.13deA 0.70jA 1.40aA 1.21cB 1.16dB 1.08 0.98hB 0.fAAKS-CH 0.86efB 0.60iB 1.11bB 0.90deA 0.94cA 0.42kB 0.93cdA 0.80hA 0.51jA 1.21aA 0.88efB 0.85fgA 1.10 0.83ghB 0.bAAKS-CH 1.00deA 0.70iB 1.38aB 0.97efA 1.00deB 0.50jB 1.01dA 0.95fA 0.67iA 1.30bA 1.11cB 0.91gB 1.09 0.87hBcAAKS-CH 1.26dA 1.30dB 1.54aA 1.28dA 1.37cB 0.66hB 1.21eA 0.97fB 0.71gB 1.37cA 1.37cA 1.17eB 1.46 1.36cBbAAKS-CH 1.53fB 1.50fB two.14aB 1.66cdA 1.62deB 0.87hB 1.62deA 1.37gB 0.92hA 2.15aA 1.58eB 1.71cB 1.77bA 1.62deB 0.0.60bA 0.50cA 0.38efB 0.42eB 0.72aB 0.37fA 0.50cB 0.35fgB 0.33gB 0.46dB 0.72aA 0.59bA 0.52 0.73aAcBIn a column, implies with frequent lowercase superscripts usually do not differ (p 0.05), AB Inside a row, means with popular uppercase superscripts don’t differ (p 0.05), His: Histidine; Arg: Arginine; Ser: Serine; Gly: Glycine; Asp: Aspartic acid; Glu: Glutamic acid; SE: Regular error; GM-L: Glenrosa, Mispah and Lithosols soil variety; AKS-CH: Aeolian Kalahari sand, Clovelly and Hutton soil variety.Table 6. Impact of species and soil form on Thr, Ala, Pro, Lys, Tyr and Met (g/100 g sample) of browse species identified in GM-L and AKS-CH soil varieties.Species GM-L D. cinerea G. flava M. azedarach P. africanum S. molle S. leptodictya S. caffra S. galpinii T. sericea V. hebeclada 0.87dA 0.91dA 1.49aA 0.55hB 0.96cA 0.69gA 0.72gB 0.77fA 0.37iB 0.83eB Thr AKS-CH 0.84eA 0.67gB 1.05bB 0.87deA 0.95cA 0.41iB 0.83eA 0.74fA 0.51hA 1.11aA GM-L 0.84efA 0.89cdA 1.70aA 0.58iB 0.86deA 0.73hA 0.81fgB 0.78gA 0.40jB 0.
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