Dynamic Quisqualic acid mGluR column model also requirements to think about downcomer dynamics so that you can correctlyChemEngineering 2021, five,4 ofChemEngineering 2021, 5,Considering that we choose to simulate the start-up not just of a single segment or even a normal four of develcolumn, but in addition of additional segments which can be connected by way of the downcomer, the17 oped dynamic column model also demands to think about downcomer dynamics so as to correctly predict downcomer backup in the course of start-up. This connection involving every downcomer on each and every tray, that is accounted for connection betweenmajordowncomer from predict downcomer backup in the course of start-up. This in the model, is really a each difference regular column models. As a consequence of the truth that liquid is important distinction from typical on every single tray, which is accounted for in the model, is really a supposed to flow from one downcolumn models. Due a single, truth that liquid is supposed to flow from a single downcomer to right comer to the adjacent to the flow equations have to be developed that predict thethe adjacent the liquid in the have to be created that every single the correct tray. Additionally, behavior ofone, flow equations downcomer, but in addition onpredictconnected behavior from the theliquidbalance has to be viewed as for each downcomer, because the effects ofbalance the heat in the downcomer, but in addition on every single connected tray. Furthermore, the heat heating have to be regarded as for each downcomer, since the effects of heating the adjacent segment adjacent segment by the side stream should be accounted for. by the side stream have to be accounted for. The model was implemented in Aspen Custom Modelerand the the properties for the in Aspen Custom Modelerand properties for the The model was implemented components have been retrieved from an Aspen Propertiessubroutine. ForFor a greater undercomponents had been retrieved from an Aspen Properties subroutine. a superior understanding, a tray inin thesegmented distillation column is is depicted Figure 2. The tray is standing, a tray the segmented distillation column depicted in in Figure 2. The tray is divided into separate handle volumesfor the Daunorubicin Purity Equilibrium stage as well as the the downcomer. divided into separate handle volumes for the equilibrium stage and downcomer.Distillate -1 , ,-1 , -i, , ,-1 , ,-1 , -iDowncomer jStage j,, , ,Feedi ,,,i,i , , ,,Bottom product, ,+1 , +1 +, , ,i, , ,iFigure 2. Schematic representation of a tray Figure two. Schematic representation of a tray inin the segmented column,divided into downcomer andand equilibrium stage. the segmented column, divided into downcomer equilibrium stage.Within the following, the equations for the equilibrium stage and also the downcomer of each and every In are described. the equations for for equilibrium downcomer for the equilibrium stagethe following, Then, the strategy theconnecting thestage along with the downcomer of every stage are described. Then, the column is presented. stage as well as the segment on the method for connecting the downcomer towards the equilibriumstage and the segment of the column is presented.2.1. Equilibrium Stage The MESH equations for the equilibrium stage are presented under. Index i indicates 2.1. Equilibrium StageThe MESH equations for the equilibrium stage are presented below. Index i indicates the components and index j indicates the theoretical stage. liq vapd HUj xi,j + HUj yi,j liq dt vap ( , + , ) weep tostage dc feed z + L = Fj xi,j + Vj+1 yi,j+1 – Ldc xi,j i,j j j-1 xi,j-1 + L j weep todc x weep V y tostage dc xi,j – – L j = feed L j + i,j – j i,j + , + ,+1 – , +1 -1 ,-1 weep todc ,.
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