MiRBase Repeating Mequinol medchemexpress components by RepeatMaskerNanog CR1_ Lin05_p53_RE2_ Pan06_FoxD3_ Chen08_Zfp143_revcom_ Zhang10_R(Klf4)_ Greber10_Smad2/3/4_ vdBerg08_Esrrb_ Wu05_Oct1_ Rodda05_Kuroda05_OctSox_ Wu06_Sp1/3_1_ Parisi08_Klf5 Wu06 Sp1/3Simple Tandem Repeats by TRF GGCAGTGGT TGGTGGCAG TGGTGGCAGTGGT… Microsatellites – Di-nucleotide and Tri-nucleotide Repeats GC % in 5-Base Windows70 _ GC PercentRepressor Element 1-Silencing Transcription Issue (REST) binding sites ESC only chr6 122657197 122657239 Regulatory components from ORegAnnoFigure five The Nanog Regulatory Region: Regulation and Repeats. The Nanog regulatory region, displayed working with the UCSC genome browser. See Figure 1 for additional info. A REST binding web site overlapping a validated p53 binding website is listed. 3 conserved regions CR1, CR2 and CR3 [84] are explicitly listed.Fuellen and Struckmann Biology Direct 2010, five:67 http://www.biology-direct.com/content/5/1/Page 7 ofScale chr6:Chen09_R(Cdx2_and_Nanog)CR3_ CR2_ Jiang08_Klf_ Suzuki06_Stat_ Suzuki06_T_2 kb 122654000 122654500 122655000 122655500 122656000 122656500 122657000 122657500 122658000 UCSC Genes Primarily based on RefSeq, UniProt, GenBank, CCDS and Comparative Genomics Nanog/uc009dpo.1 LOC634428/uc009dpp.1 Regulatory Components Pereira06_Tcf3_ Gu05_Gcnf_ Lin05_p53_RE1_ Nanog CR1_ Lin05_p53_RE2_ Pan06_FoxD3_ Chen08_Zfp143_revcom_ Zhang10_R(Klf4)_ Greber10_Smad2/3/4_ vdBerg08_Esrrb_ Wu05_Oct1_ Rodda05_Kuroda05_OctSox_ Wu06_Sp1/3_1_ Parisi08_Klf5 Wu06 Sp1/3 two 30-Way Multiz Alignment ConservationMammal Cons Euarch Cons Vertebrate Cons Rat Guinea_pig Rabbit Human Chimp Rhesus Orangutan Marmoset Bushbaby Tree_shrew Shrew Hedgehog Dog Cat Horse Cow Armadillo Elephant Tenrec Opossum Platypus Chicken Lizard X_tropicalis Stickleback Zebrafish Tetraodon Fugu Medaka Rat Net Rat Chain Guinea pig Net Guinea pig Chain Marmoset Chain Marmoset Net Rhesus Chain Rhesus Net Orangutan Chain Orangutan Net Chimp Chain Chimp Net Human Chain Human Net Dog Chain Dog Net Horse Chain Horse Net Cow Chain Cow Net Opossum Chain Opossum Net Platypus Net Platypus ChainRat (Nov. 2004 (Baylor 3.4/rn4)), Chain and Net Alignments Guinea pig (Feb. 2008 (Broad/cavPor3)), Chain and Net Alignments Marmoset (June 2007 (WUGSC two.0.2/calJac1)), Chain and Net Alignments Rhesus (Jan. 2006 (MGSC Merged 1.0/rheMac2)), Chain and Net Alignments Orangutan (July 2007 (WUGSC two.0.2/ponAbe2)), Chain and Net Alignments Chimp (Mar. 2006 (CGSC 2.1/panTro2)), Chain and Net Alignments Human (Feb. 2009 (GRCh37/hg19)), Chain and Net Alignments Dog (May possibly 2005 (Broad/canFam2)), Chain and Net Alignments Horse (Sep. 2007 (Broad/equCab2)), Chain and Net Alignments Cow (Oct. 2007 (Baylor four.0/bosTau4)), Chain and Net Alignments Opossum (Oct. 2006 (Broad/monDom5)), Chain and Net Alignments Platypus (Mar. 2007 (WUGSC five.0.1/ornAna1)), Chain and Net AlignmentsFigure six The Nanog Regulatory Area: Conservation. The Nanog regulatory area, displayed using the UCSC genome browser. See Figure 1 for additional info. Alignment chains and nets are shown because the many alignment tracks are extremely sparse; see the UCSC track Adenosylcobalamin Technical Information documentation for additional information regarding the chains and nets.Mouse Affymetrix U74B Chip, and GNF Expression Atlas on Mouse Affymetrix U74C Chip [44]). Regrettably, the initial track is not but documented incredibly effectively; there’s no legend for the relation between color and expression level. The only hint within the track description is: “As is typical with microarray data red indic.
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