Culture. N . Conidiophores with verticillately placed conidiogenous cells bearing conidia at their guidelines. R . Conidia. U. Hyphae turning from initial yellow to purple in KOH. V, W. Chlamydospores. (A, H, I. TU 112902; B, G, J. BPI 749247; C, K. TFC 97-138; D, E. Holotype, BPI 748258; F. TU 112903; L, M. TU 112901; N, S, V. TFC 00-30; O . TFC 200789; R, U. Ex-type culture, G.J.S. 98-28; T, W. G.J.S. 96-41). Scale bars: A = 1 cm; B, C = 500 m; D, K, L = 250 m; E, O = 100 m; F, H = 50 m; G, M, N, P, Q, U = 20 m; PubMed ID: I, J, R , V, W = ten m. www.studiesinmycology.orgP dMaa Colonies on MEA spreading quickly, reaching 450 mm in four d; margin even or slightly fasciculate; reverse initially yellow, turning purplish red; yellowish brown, round or fan-shaped crystals and or pigment patches with needle-like margins, turning deep purple in KOH, abundant in agar. Odour sweet or bitter-sweet, robust in lately isolated cultures, disappearing in old cultures. Aerial mycelium scanty to abundant, cottony, to 7 mm higher or 2mm in cultures producing teleomorph; mainly homogenous, sometimes with tufts; yellowish white, amber or buff, partially turning violet in KOH. Submerged hyphae typically turning violet in KOH, cells infrequently swollen. Conidiation abundant in fresh isolates, becoming moderate to scarce in older strains. Conidiophores arising from aerial hyphae at suitable angles, not differentiated from these or distinct with primary axis yellowish ochraceous, KOH+ and wall slightly thickened; ascending to suberect, 20000(000) m long, key axis close to base 40 m wide; branching profuse or at times sparse, verticillate or irregular, sometimes drepanoid, broadly distributed, sometimes confined to uppermost components, conidiophores then appearing irregularly tree-like in aspect; lateral branches formed at 1 levels, 1 creating from 1 point, 300 3.5.5 m. Conidiogenous cells formed directly on conidiophores or from lateral branches which are usually integrated within a prior verticil of conidiogenous cells, developing singly or (23() inside a verticil, at times singly beneath verticil; subulate, 250 m long, two.5.five m wide close to base, attenuating steadily to 0.8.0 m at apex; aseptate; RN 1-001 Cancer forming a single conidiogenous locus at apex. Conidiaellipsoidal to fusiform, lengthy obovoid i.e. droplet-shaped or occasionally widest in reduced half (oblong-ovoid); equi- or inequilateral, straight but from time to time with basal or both ends curved; attenuated at base to a narrow but prominent central hilum, usually attenuated also at apex; (9.511.72.2(6.five) (four.05.4.two (.0) m, Q = (1.62.2.eight(.6); 1-septate, in 1-septate conidia septum median or in upper 13 or 23; hyaline or occasionally with tinge of green when old, with refractive thickening at base or from time to time also at apex; formed obliquely from uppermost locus, held by (12() in imbricate chains appearing as radiating heads. Chlamydospores formed among aerial or submerged mycelium, hyaline; cells subglobose, 133 m diam, wall 1 m thick, smooth; 2 cells in intercalary chains or in lateral, irregular chains or sclerotia-like aggregations formed from an intercalary cell. Perithecia created in abundance in current cultures isolated from ascospores. Substrata: Basidiomata of a variety of wood-decaying members of Agaricales, Hymenochaetales and Polyporales, also on Auriculariales; in some collections host fungus not detected and then observed developing on bark, wood or linked with other ascomycetes. Distribution: Tropical America. Holotype: Puerto Rico, Luquillo, Chicken Farm, on.
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