Plasmid pEZX-MT05-HDAC4-3UTR along with a control pre-miR or pre-miR10b, and assayed for luciferase activity 48 h after transfection. d Levels of HDAC4 in parental (MCF-7) and tamoxifen-resistance MCF-7 (MCF7TR) cells. e Effect of altered miR-10b levels on HDAC4 levels. -actin protein was used as protein loading control for Western blots and RNU48 was used as internal control for the real-time RT-PCR miRNA analysis. C, control; PM, pre-miR-10b; AM, anti-miR-10bAhmad et al. BMC Cancer (2015) 15:Page 6 ofwith this direct evidence, we further obtained additional data in support of HDAC4 being a valid target of miR10b, and we found significantly down-regulated expression of HDAC4 in high miR-10b expressing MCF7TR cells (Fig. 4d). To further establish the regulation of HDAC4 by miR-10b, we also tested the expression of HDAC4 in parental MCF-7 cells with or without transfection with pre-miR-10b. Ectopic expression of miR10b resulted in the down-regulation of HDAC4 in MCF-7 cells and, conversely, down-regulation of miR10b in MCF7TR cells resulted in JNJ-54781532 clinical trials increased expression of HDAC4 (Fig. 4e).by the use of specific siRNA led to further diminishing the effects of increasing doses of tamoxifen (Fig. 5c).HDAC4 regulation by miR-10b determines cellular response to tamoxifenHDAC4 is mechanistically involved in miR-10b-influenced tamoxifen resistanceNext we asked the question whether miR-10b mediated regulation of HDAC4 is relevant to miR-10b’s influence on tamoxifen resistance. We used specific siRNA against HDAC4 to down-regulate its expression. Fig. 5a demonstrates an efficient down-regulation of HDAC4 by siRNA. When exposed to increasing concentrations of tamoxifen, silencing of HDAC4 mimicked the effects of transfections with pre-miR-10b (Fig. 5b). Moreover, reexpression of HDAC4 in pre-miR-10b transfected MCF-7 cells, by the use of HDAC4 cDNA, re-sensitized these cells to tamoxifen. As a confirmation of our results in the reciprocal model, antagonizing miR-10b made MCF7TR cells responsive to tamoxifen, and silencing of HDAC4 in these very cells made the cells resistant to tamoxifen (Fig. 5c). Although MCF7TR cells already have low basal levels of PubMed ID: HDAC4 (Fig. 4d), further knock-down of HDACWe subsequently tested the role of HDAC4 in tamoxifeninduced apoptosis and found that whereas pre-miR-10b transfection made MCF-7 cell resistant to tamoxifeninduced apoptosis, an effect particularly evident at 20 M dose (Fig. 6a), re-expression of HDAC4 led to overcome tamoxifen resistance. A similar effect was seen when we quantitated live cells after tamoxifen treatment, and re-expression of HDAC4 clearly negated the effects of miR-10b transfection (Fig. 6b). In MCF7TR cells, silencing of HDAC4 was observed to reverse the effects of anti-miR-10b, both on apoptosis induction (Fig. 6c) as well as viability of cells (Fig. 6d). Taken together, these results demonstrated a functional importance of HDAC4 in miR-10b-mediated response of ER-positive cells to tamoxifen treatment. Finally, we questioned whether there is any evidence for such molecular events in clinical samples. While there is evidence connecting miR-10b with clinical outcome in breast cancer patients [17], no such information is available for HDAC4. To evaluate if the down-regulation of HDAC4, as observed by us, has any clinical significance, we turned to public databases and data-mining tools. We first searched for evidence of under-expression of HDAC4 in breast cancer patients, relative to normal pati.
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