Ranch, 21 Jun 1885, C.R.Orcutt 1276 (DS, DS, US). 63 mi SE of Ensenada, 2? mi upstream of Rincon, 4.5 mi NE of Santa Catarina, canyon, 4300 ft [1310 m] 22 Apr 1962, R.E.Broder 772 (DS, US). 4 1/2 mi S of Portezuelo de Jamau, N of Cerro 1905, ca. 31?4’N, 115?6’W, 1775 m, 20 Apr 1974, R.Moran 21226 (CAS, ARIZ, TAES, US). Sierra Juarez, El Progresso, ca. 32?7’N, 115?6′ W, 1450 m, 24 MayRobert J. Soreng Paul M. Peterson / PhytoKeys 15: 1?04 (2012)1975, R.Moran 22044 (TAES); ditto, N slope just below summit of Cerro Jamau, ca. 31?4’N, 115?5.5’W, 1890 m, 23 May 1976, R.Moran 23257 (TAES); ditto, in steep north slope of Cerro Taraizo, southernmost peak of range, ca. 31?1.75’N, 115?1’W, 1550 m, R.Moran 23007 (TAES, ARIZ, US); ditto, vicinity of Rancho La Mora, 32?1’N, 115?7’W, 12 Apr 1987, C.Brey 192 (TAES). Rancho El Topo, 2 May 1981, A.A.Beetle R.Alcaraz M-6649 (ARIZ, WYAC). Sierra San Pedro M tir, Ca n del Diablo, 31?0’N, 115?4’W, 1700 m, 6 May 1978, R.Moran 25626 (TAES). Discussion. This taxon was accepted as P. longiligula by Espejo Serna et al. (2000). Some plants in Baja California of this subspecies are intermediate to P. fendleriana subsp. fendleriana, but in general the longer smoother margined AZD1722 site ligules and puberulent rachillas are diagnostic. Where the two taxa occur in the same area P. fendleriana subsp. longiligula occurs in more xeric habitats, and P. fendleriana subsp. fendleriana is found in higher elevations.9. Poa gymnantha Pilg., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 56 (Beibl. 123): 28. 1920. http://species-id.net/wiki/Poa_gymnantha Figs 6 A , 9 Type: Peru, 15?0′ to 16?0’S, s lich von Sumbay, Eisenbahn Arequipa uno, Tola eide, 4000 m, Apr 1914, A.Weberbauer 6905 (lectotype: S! designated by Anton and Negritto 1997: 236; isolectotypes: BAA-2555!, MOL!, US-1498091!, US-2947085! specimen fragm. ex B, USM!). Poa ovata Tovar, Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat. “Javier Prado” 15: 17, t.3A. 1965. Type: Peru, Cuzco, Prov. Quispicanchis, en el Paso de Hualla-hualla, 4700 m, 29 Jan 1943, C.Vargas 3187 (holotype: US1865932!). Poa pseudoaequigluma Tovar, Bol. Soc. Peruana Bot. 7: 8. 1874. Type: Peru, Ayacucho, Prov. Lucanas, Pampa Galeras, Reserva Nacional de Vicunas, entre Nazca y Puquio, Valle de Cupitay, 4000 m, 4 Apr 1970, O.Tovar Franklin 6631 (holotype: USM!; isotypes: CORD!, MO-3812380!, US-2942178!, US-3029235!). Description. Pistillate. Perennials; tufted, tufts dense, usually narrow, low (4? cm tall), pale green; tillers intravaginal (each subtended by a single elongated, 2-keeled, longitudinally split prophyll), without cataphyllous shoots, sterile shoots more numerous than flowering shoots. Culms 4? (45) cm tall, erect or arching, leaves mostly basal, terete or weakly compressed, smooth; nodes terete, 0?, not exerted, deeply buried in basal tuft. Leaves mostly basal; leaf sheaths laterally slightly compressed, indistinctly keeled, basal ones with cross-veins, smooth, glabrous; butt sheaths becoming papery to somewhat fibrous, smooth, glabrous; flag leaf sheaths 2?.5(?0) cm long, margins fused 30?0 their length, ca. 2.5 ?longer than its blade; throats and collars smooth or slightly scabrous, glabrous; ligules to 1?.5(?) mm long, decurrent, scari-Revision of Poa L. (Poaceae, RG7666MedChemExpress GDC-0084 Pooideae, Poeae, Poinae) in Mexico: …Figure 9. Poa gymnantha Pilg. Photo of Beaman 2342.ous, colorless, abaxially moderately densely scabrous to hirtellous, apex truncate to obtuse, upper margin erose to denticulate, sterile shoot ligules equaling or shorter than those of the up.Ranch, 21 Jun 1885, C.R.Orcutt 1276 (DS, DS, US). 63 mi SE of Ensenada, 2? mi upstream of Rincon, 4.5 mi NE of Santa Catarina, canyon, 4300 ft [1310 m] 22 Apr 1962, R.E.Broder 772 (DS, US). 4 1/2 mi S of Portezuelo de Jamau, N of Cerro 1905, ca. 31?4’N, 115?6’W, 1775 m, 20 Apr 1974, R.Moran 21226 (CAS, ARIZ, TAES, US). Sierra Juarez, El Progresso, ca. 32?7’N, 115?6′ W, 1450 m, 24 MayRobert J. Soreng Paul M. Peterson / PhytoKeys 15: 1?04 (2012)1975, R.Moran 22044 (TAES); ditto, N slope just below summit of Cerro Jamau, ca. 31?4’N, 115?5.5’W, 1890 m, 23 May 1976, R.Moran 23257 (TAES); ditto, in steep north slope of Cerro Taraizo, southernmost peak of range, ca. 31?1.75’N, 115?1’W, 1550 m, R.Moran 23007 (TAES, ARIZ, US); ditto, vicinity of Rancho La Mora, 32?1’N, 115?7’W, 12 Apr 1987, C.Brey 192 (TAES). Rancho El Topo, 2 May 1981, A.A.Beetle R.Alcaraz M-6649 (ARIZ, WYAC). Sierra San Pedro M tir, Ca n del Diablo, 31?0’N, 115?4’W, 1700 m, 6 May 1978, R.Moran 25626 (TAES). Discussion. This taxon was accepted as P. longiligula by Espejo Serna et al. (2000). Some plants in Baja California of this subspecies are intermediate to P. fendleriana subsp. fendleriana, but in general the longer smoother margined ligules and puberulent rachillas are diagnostic. Where the two taxa occur in the same area P. fendleriana subsp. longiligula occurs in more xeric habitats, and P. fendleriana subsp. fendleriana is found in higher elevations.9. Poa gymnantha Pilg., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 56 (Beibl. 123): 28. 1920. http://species-id.net/wiki/Poa_gymnantha Figs 6 A , 9 Type: Peru, 15?0′ to 16?0’S, s lich von Sumbay, Eisenbahn Arequipa uno, Tola eide, 4000 m, Apr 1914, A.Weberbauer 6905 (lectotype: S! designated by Anton and Negritto 1997: 236; isolectotypes: BAA-2555!, MOL!, US-1498091!, US-2947085! specimen fragm. ex B, USM!). Poa ovata Tovar, Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat. “Javier Prado” 15: 17, t.3A. 1965. Type: Peru, Cuzco, Prov. Quispicanchis, en el Paso de Hualla-hualla, 4700 m, 29 Jan 1943, C.Vargas 3187 (holotype: US1865932!). Poa pseudoaequigluma Tovar, Bol. Soc. Peruana Bot. 7: 8. 1874. Type: Peru, Ayacucho, Prov. Lucanas, Pampa Galeras, Reserva Nacional de Vicunas, entre Nazca y Puquio, Valle de Cupitay, 4000 m, 4 Apr 1970, O.Tovar Franklin 6631 (holotype: USM!; isotypes: CORD!, MO-3812380!, US-2942178!, US-3029235!). Description. Pistillate. Perennials; tufted, tufts dense, usually narrow, low (4? cm tall), pale green; tillers intravaginal (each subtended by a single elongated, 2-keeled, longitudinally split prophyll), without cataphyllous shoots, sterile shoots more numerous than flowering shoots. Culms 4? (45) cm tall, erect or arching, leaves mostly basal, terete or weakly compressed, smooth; nodes terete, 0?, not exerted, deeply buried in basal tuft. Leaves mostly basal; leaf sheaths laterally slightly compressed, indistinctly keeled, basal ones with cross-veins, smooth, glabrous; butt sheaths becoming papery to somewhat fibrous, smooth, glabrous; flag leaf sheaths 2?.5(?0) cm long, margins fused 30?0 their length, ca. 2.5 ?longer than its blade; throats and collars smooth or slightly scabrous, glabrous; ligules to 1?.5(?) mm long, decurrent, scari-Revision of Poa L. (Poaceae, Pooideae, Poeae, Poinae) in Mexico: …Figure 9. Poa gymnantha Pilg. Photo of Beaman 2342.ous, colorless, abaxially moderately densely scabrous to hirtellous, apex truncate to obtuse, upper margin erose to denticulate, sterile shoot ligules equaling or shorter than those of the up.
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