: 423, as C. (C.) pulchella]. Known geographic distribution. Brazil (Banks 1910: 152, as Allochrysa pulchella), Biotin-VAD-FMK price French Guiana (Nav 1910), Suriname (Banks 1944, not confirmed). See Adams and Penny (1985), Adams (1985), Legrand et al. (2008). Larval diagnosis. Chrysopodes (C.) geayi larvae are recognized by their relatively large size, dense setation, and unique pronotal Sc1 sclerites (having dark brown lateral and mesal bands and an unmarked, cream-colored central band). The C. (C.) geayi dorsal head markings resemble those of C. (C.) fumosus and C. (C.) spinellus (longitudinally elongate and divided, brown epicranial markings; unmarked intermandibular and clypeal regions). However, unlike as in C. (C.) fumosus [but not C. (C.) spinellus], the posterior ends of the frontal markings curve and connect with each other mesally. Semaphoront A of C. (C.) geayi is distinguished from that of C. (C.) spinellus by the presence of thorns on only two or three cranial setae (S1, S11, sometimes S4) and its dark brown thoracic and LLY-507 site abdominal LS. The C. (C.) geayi Semaphoront B differs from C. (C.) spinellus [but not C. (C.) fumosus] by the presence of several secondary sclerites on the pronotal midline. First instar. (Semaphoront A). Body (Fig. 14A) 2.7?.1 mm long. Surface predominantly white to cream-colored, with some small, light brown marks, light dusting of brown, especially on sides and venter. Head (Figs 2C, 14B) 0.42?.45 mm wide; mandibles 0.37?.39 mm long (ratio, mandible length : head width = 0.84?.92 : 1). Cranium mostly white, with elongate, brown to dark brown markings. Epicranial marking consisting of two, unconnected, elongate, brown stripes; mesal arm contiguous with postfrontal marking, extending from base of cranium to anteromesal margin of antennal socket; lateral arm brown, especially dark basally, extending from posterolateral margin of cranial suture approximately to distal base of mandible. Postfrontal marking indistinguishable, fused with epicranial marking. Frontal marking narrow, paired, extending from midregion of cranium anteriorly to level of antennal socket, then bending laterally toward mesal margin of mandibular base; mesal ends of marking curving inward, fusing narrowly at tip. Intermandibular, clypeal area white. Cranial setae amber to brown; S1, S11 long, thorny; S4 intermediate-length, smooth or thorny; others short, smooth. Gena brown with small central white spot, ventral region of head capsule white to cream-colored, with ventral margin of head capsule brown. Labial palpus white, withLarvae of five horticulturally important species of Chrysopodes…Figure 14. Chrysopodes (C.) geayi, first instar A Habitus, lateral B Head, lateral C Abdominal segments A1 to A5, dorsal D Abdominal segments A6 to A10, dorsal. Abbreviations: A2, A4, A6, A8, A10 abdominal segments A1R1, A1R2 anterior and posterior rows of submedian setae (SMS) on first abdominal segment A2R1, A2R2 anterior and posterior rows of SMS on second abdominal segment A4LT lateral tubercle on fourth abdominal segment A6LDT, A6LT laterodorsal tubercle, lateral tubercle on sixth abdominal segment ge genal marking T3R1 row of long, sturdy, thorny setae on raised posterior fold of metathorax.tinge of light brown on basal segment, lateral side of middle segment, darker brown on distal annulation, terminal segment. Mandibles amber to light brown, with dark brown basally. Antenna with light brown scape, pedicel light brown basally, brown distally; flagellum brown. Cer.: 423, as C. (C.) pulchella]. Known geographic distribution. Brazil (Banks 1910: 152, as Allochrysa pulchella), French Guiana (Nav 1910), Suriname (Banks 1944, not confirmed). See Adams and Penny (1985), Adams (1985), Legrand et al. (2008). Larval diagnosis. Chrysopodes (C.) geayi larvae are recognized by their relatively large size, dense setation, and unique pronotal Sc1 sclerites (having dark brown lateral and mesal bands and an unmarked, cream-colored central band). The C. (C.) geayi dorsal head markings resemble those of C. (C.) fumosus and C. (C.) spinellus (longitudinally elongate and divided, brown epicranial markings; unmarked intermandibular and clypeal regions). However, unlike as in C. (C.) fumosus [but not C. (C.) spinellus], the posterior ends of the frontal markings curve and connect with each other mesally. Semaphoront A of C. (C.) geayi is distinguished from that of C. (C.) spinellus by the presence of thorns on only two or three cranial setae (S1, S11, sometimes S4) and its dark brown thoracic and abdominal LS. The C. (C.) geayi Semaphoront B differs from C. (C.) spinellus [but not C. (C.) fumosus] by the presence of several secondary sclerites on the pronotal midline. First instar. (Semaphoront A). Body (Fig. 14A) 2.7?.1 mm long. Surface predominantly white to cream-colored, with some small, light brown marks, light dusting of brown, especially on sides and venter. Head (Figs 2C, 14B) 0.42?.45 mm wide; mandibles 0.37?.39 mm long (ratio, mandible length : head width = 0.84?.92 : 1). Cranium mostly white, with elongate, brown to dark brown markings. Epicranial marking consisting of two, unconnected, elongate, brown stripes; mesal arm contiguous with postfrontal marking, extending from base of cranium to anteromesal margin of antennal socket; lateral arm brown, especially dark basally, extending from posterolateral margin of cranial suture approximately to distal base of mandible. Postfrontal marking indistinguishable, fused with epicranial marking. Frontal marking narrow, paired, extending from midregion of cranium anteriorly to level of antennal socket, then bending laterally toward mesal margin of mandibular base; mesal ends of marking curving inward, fusing narrowly at tip. Intermandibular, clypeal area white. Cranial setae amber to brown; S1, S11 long, thorny; S4 intermediate-length, smooth or thorny; others short, smooth. Gena brown with small central white spot, ventral region of head capsule white to cream-colored, with ventral margin of head capsule brown. Labial palpus white, withLarvae of five horticulturally important species of Chrysopodes…Figure 14. Chrysopodes (C.) geayi, first instar A Habitus, lateral B Head, lateral C Abdominal segments A1 to A5, dorsal D Abdominal segments A6 to A10, dorsal. Abbreviations: A2, A4, A6, A8, A10 abdominal segments A1R1, A1R2 anterior and posterior rows of submedian setae (SMS) on first abdominal segment A2R1, A2R2 anterior and posterior rows of SMS on second abdominal segment A4LT lateral tubercle on fourth abdominal segment A6LDT, A6LT laterodorsal tubercle, lateral tubercle on sixth abdominal segment ge genal marking T3R1 row of long, sturdy, thorny setae on raised posterior fold of metathorax.tinge of light brown on basal segment, lateral side of middle segment, darker brown on distal annulation, terminal segment. Mandibles amber to light brown, with dark brown basally. Antenna with light brown scape, pedicel light brown basally, brown distally; flagellum brown. Cer.
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