Observations of individual subjects, game effects, and learning effects), by fitting
Observations of individual subjects, game effects, and learning effects), by fitting the data to the following nonnested, Sch66336 biological activity…
Observations of individual subjects, game effects, and learning effects), by fitting the data to the following nonnested, Sch66336 biological activity…
Tudies from Tel Aviv [31,42,43], third the studies from Glostrup [20,44] and at least the studies of Boetto and Deras…
Arcy l’Etoile, France) according to manufacturer’s instructions. PCR analyses were performed using two different methods. All runs included a positive…
Imilar scores for the three predictors. (TIF) Figure S8 Kaplan-Meier overall survival stratification between COXEN-matched and unmatched patients in the…
Whether or not these effects are found across subpopulations. A consistent trend shows African American youth are more likely to…
As a moral problem and requires a just resolution. Ultimately that resolution must be forged through a process of rational…
H the frequency of non-stuttered and total disfluencies in both groups. Higher prevalence of stuttering in boys has been well…
Ity was that paramedics self-assurance was often low in being able to know when it was and was not protected…
Ghborhood choice into (1) the average utility that individuals derive from unobserved neighborhood characteristics (j) and (2) random individual deviations…
M height of mesoscutellum lunules/maximum height of lateral face of mesoscutellum: 0.4?.5. Propodeum areola: completely defined by carinae, including transverse…