A/G rs12983273 T/C(Continued)Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy 2015:submit your manuscript | www.dovepress.comDovepressGraveel et alDovepressTable 2 (Continued)Gene locus MIR423 SNP rs6505162 A/C Comments premiRNA Population Caucasian Jewish BRCA2 carriers Asians Caucasians African MedChemExpress Genz-644282 Americans european Americans African Americans european Americans African Americans european Americans Chinese Asians Caucasians Asians Caucasians Chinese Caucasians Asians Caucasians Asians Caucasians Asians Caucasians African Americans european Americans African Americans european Americans African Americans european Americans African Americans european Americans Asians Caucasians African Americans european Americans African Americans european Americans African Americans european Americans African Americans european Americans African Americans european Americans African Americans european Americans African Americans european Americans Jewish BRCA2 carriers Caucasian italian Chinese Jewish BRCA1 carriers Chinese Clinical observation Decreased risk Later age of onset No risk association No Ilomastat supplier threat association No danger association Decreased danger of eR+ BC No risk association improved general risk No danger association enhanced risk of eR- BC enhanced risk elevated danger No threat association increased risk No danger association elevated threat No risk association improved threat No risk association increased threat No danger association Decreased threat No threat association improved all round danger No danger association No danger association increased general danger No danger association Decreased threat of eR+ BC enhanced danger of eR- BC No risk association Decreased danger No risk association enhanced danger of eR+ No danger association No risk association Decreased danger of eR- BC Decreased threat of eR+ BC No threat association Decreased risk of eR+ No danger association No threat association improved overall threat Decreased overall risk No threat association No danger association improved danger of eR- BC improved risk improved threat improved threat enhanced danger in eR+ earlier age of onset enhanced risk (A allele) earlier age of onset (C allele) Decreased risk Decreased risk elevated danger Lowered survival Reference 150 142 38 33 33 33 36 151 152 32 147 153 31 141 33 33 33 33 141 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 142 srep39151 43 154 155 156 jir.2014.0227 157 158 159MIR455 MIR487 MIR495 MIRrs2060133 C/G rs1951032 G/A rs2281611 C/A rs3746444 A/Grs3746444 T/CMIR513A-2 MIR544 MIR548A-2 MIR595 MIR605 MIR606 MIR608 MIRrs2018562 A/G rs10144193 A/T rs878175 A/G rs4909238 A/G rs2043556 *A rs12266981 G/A rs4919510 C/G rs8041885 A/G rs8041044 C/AMIR659 MIRrs5750504 T/A rs12586258 G/A rs7141987 A/GATF1 3 UTR BMPR1B 3 UTR BRCA1 3 UTR HPGD three UTR IGF-1R three UTR IL23R 3 UTRrs11169571 C/T rs1434536 C/T rs799917 C/T rs8752 G/A rs28674628 A/G rs10889677 A/CmiR320 MRe miR125b MRe miR638 MRe miR4855p MRe miR5155p MRe let7 MReIQGAP1 3 UTR ITGB4 three UTRrs1042538 A/T rs743554 A/GmiR124 MRe miR34a MRepredictedChinese Swedish(Continued)submit your manuscript | www.dovepress.comBreast Cancer: Targets and Therapy 2015:DovepressDovepressmicroRNAs in breast cancerTable 2 (Continued)miRNA locus KRAS 3 UTR SNP rs61764370 T/G Comments let7 MRe Population Caucasian Clinical observation elevated frequency in BRCA1 carriers/no risk association enhanced risk of TNBC Decreased risk increased risk and poor survival earlier age of onset improved threat enhanced danger Decreased threat Decreased general threat No risk association Decreased risk of eR+ BC No threat association increas.A/G rs12983273 T/C(Continued)Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy 2015:submit your manuscript | www.dovepress.comDovepressGraveel et alDovepressTable 2 (Continued)Gene locus MIR423 SNP rs6505162 A/C Comments premiRNA Population Caucasian Jewish BRCA2 carriers Asians Caucasians African Americans european Americans African Americans european Americans African Americans european Americans Chinese Asians Caucasians Asians Caucasians Chinese Caucasians Asians Caucasians Asians Caucasians Asians Caucasians African Americans european Americans African Americans european Americans African Americans european Americans African Americans european Americans Asians Caucasians African Americans european Americans African Americans european Americans African Americans european Americans African Americans european Americans African Americans european Americans African Americans european Americans African Americans european Americans Jewish BRCA2 carriers Caucasian italian Chinese Jewish BRCA1 carriers Chinese Clinical observation Reduced danger Later age of onset No danger association No danger association No threat association Decreased risk of eR+ BC No danger association elevated general risk No threat association elevated danger of eR- BC increased risk improved threat No danger association increased risk No risk association increased risk No threat association increased risk No danger association enhanced threat No risk association Decreased risk No risk association enhanced general risk No danger association No danger association increased overall danger No risk association Decreased risk of eR+ BC elevated danger of eR- BC No risk association Decreased risk No threat association enhanced danger of eR+ No danger association No threat association Decreased danger of eR- BC Decreased threat of eR+ BC No danger association Decreased threat of eR+ No risk association No danger association increased overall risk Decreased general risk No threat association No danger association improved threat of eR- BC improved threat increased risk improved threat enhanced risk in eR+ earlier age of onset enhanced danger (A allele) earlier age of onset (C allele) Decreased threat Decreased danger improved threat Reduced survival Reference 150 142 38 33 33 33 36 151 152 32 147 153 31 141 33 33 33 33 141 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 142 srep39151 43 154 155 156 jir.2014.0227 157 158 159MIR455 MIR487 MIR495 MIRrs2060133 C/G rs1951032 G/A rs2281611 C/A rs3746444 A/Grs3746444 T/CMIR513A-2 MIR544 MIR548A-2 MIR595 MIR605 MIR606 MIR608 MIRrs2018562 A/G rs10144193 A/T rs878175 A/G rs4909238 A/G rs2043556 *A rs12266981 G/A rs4919510 C/G rs8041885 A/G rs8041044 C/AMIR659 MIRrs5750504 T/A rs12586258 G/A rs7141987 A/GATF1 three UTR BMPR1B three UTR BRCA1 3 UTR HPGD 3 UTR IGF-1R 3 UTR IL23R 3 UTRrs11169571 C/T rs1434536 C/T rs799917 C/T rs8752 G/A rs28674628 A/G rs10889677 A/CmiR320 MRe miR125b MRe miR638 MRe miR4855p MRe miR5155p MRe let7 MReIQGAP1 3 UTR ITGB4 3 UTRrs1042538 A/T rs743554 A/GmiR124 MRe miR34a MRepredictedChinese Swedish(Continued)submit your manuscript | www.dovepress.comBreast Cancer: Targets and Therapy 2015:DovepressDovepressmicroRNAs in breast cancerTable 2 (Continued)miRNA locus KRAS three UTR SNP rs61764370 T/G Comments let7 MRe Population Caucasian Clinical observation elevated frequency in BRCA1 carriers/no risk association elevated danger of TNBC Decreased danger elevated threat and poor survival earlier age of onset elevated threat improved danger Decreased risk Decreased all round danger No danger association Decreased danger of eR+ BC No threat association increas.
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