Differentially ASA-404 expressed genes in SMA-like mice at PND1 and PND5 in spinal cord, brain, liver and muscle. The number of down- and up-regulated genes is indicated below the barplot. (B) Venn diagrams of journal.pone.0158910 the overlap of significant genes pnas.1602641113 in different tissues at PND1 and PND5. (C) Scatterplots of log2 fold-change estimates in spinal cord, brain, liver and muscle. Genes that were significant in both conditions are indicated in purple, genes that were significant only in the condition on the x axis are indicated in red, genes significant only in the condition on the y axis are indicated in blue. (D) Scatterplots of log2 fold-changes of genes in the indicated tissues that were statistically significantly different at PND1 versus the log2 fold-changes at PND5. Genes that were also statistically significantly different at PND5 are indicated in red. The dashed grey line indicates a completely linear relationship, the blue line indicates the linear regression model based on the genes significant at PND1, and the red line indicates the linear regression model based on genes that were significant at both PND1 and PND5. Pearsons rho is indicated in black for all genes significant at PND1, and in red for genes significant at both time points.enrichment analysis on the significant genes (Supporting data S4?). This analysis indicated that pathways and processes associated with cell-division were significantly downregulated in the spinal cord at PND5, in particular mitoticphase genes (Supporting data S4). In a recent study using an inducible adult SMA mouse model, reduced cell division was reported as one of the primary affected pathways that could be reversed with ASO treatment (46). In particular, up-regulation of Cdkn1a and Hist1H1C were reported as the most significant genotype-driven changes and similarly we observe the same up-regulation in spinal cord at PND5. There were no significantly enriched GO terms when we an-alyzed the up-regulated genes, but we did observe an upregulation of Mt1 and Mt2 (Figure 2B), which are metalbinding proteins up-regulated in cells under stress (70,71). These two genes are also among the genes that were upregulated in all tissues at PND5 and, notably, they were also up-regulated at PND1 in several tissues (Figure 2C). This indicates that while there were few overall differences at PND1 between SMA and heterozygous mice, increased cellular stress was apparent at the pre-symptomatic stage. Furthermore, GO terms associated with angiogenesis were down-regulated, and we observed the same at PND5 in the brain, where these were among the most significantly down-400 Nucleic Acids Research, 2017, Vol. 45, No.Figure 2. Expression of axon guidance genes is down-regulated in SMA-like mice at PND5 while stress genes are up-regulated. (A) Schematic depiction of the axon guidance pathway in mice from the KEGG database. Gene regulation is indicated by a color gradient going from down-regulated (blue) to up-regulated (red) with the extremity buy BML-275 dihydrochloride thresholds of log2 fold-changes set to -1.5 and 1.5, respectively. (B) qPCR validation of differentially expressed genes in SMA-like mice at PND5. (C) qPCR validation of differentially expressed genes in SMA-like mice at PND1. Error bars indicate SEM, n 3, **P-value < 0.01, *P-value < 0.05. White bars indicate heterozygous control mice, grey bars indicate SMA-like mice.Nucleic Acids Research, 2017, Vol. 45, No. 1regulated GO terms (Supporting data S5). Likewise, angiogenesis seemed to be affecte.Differentially expressed genes in SMA-like mice at PND1 and PND5 in spinal cord, brain, liver and muscle. The number of down- and up-regulated genes is indicated below the barplot. (B) Venn diagrams of journal.pone.0158910 the overlap of significant genes pnas.1602641113 in different tissues at PND1 and PND5. (C) Scatterplots of log2 fold-change estimates in spinal cord, brain, liver and muscle. Genes that were significant in both conditions are indicated in purple, genes that were significant only in the condition on the x axis are indicated in red, genes significant only in the condition on the y axis are indicated in blue. (D) Scatterplots of log2 fold-changes of genes in the indicated tissues that were statistically significantly different at PND1 versus the log2 fold-changes at PND5. Genes that were also statistically significantly different at PND5 are indicated in red. The dashed grey line indicates a completely linear relationship, the blue line indicates the linear regression model based on the genes significant at PND1, and the red line indicates the linear regression model based on genes that were significant at both PND1 and PND5. Pearsons rho is indicated in black for all genes significant at PND1, and in red for genes significant at both time points.enrichment analysis on the significant genes (Supporting data S4?). This analysis indicated that pathways and processes associated with cell-division were significantly downregulated in the spinal cord at PND5, in particular mitoticphase genes (Supporting data S4). In a recent study using an inducible adult SMA mouse model, reduced cell division was reported as one of the primary affected pathways that could be reversed with ASO treatment (46). In particular, up-regulation of Cdkn1a and Hist1H1C were reported as the most significant genotype-driven changes and similarly we observe the same up-regulation in spinal cord at PND5. There were no significantly enriched GO terms when we an-alyzed the up-regulated genes, but we did observe an upregulation of Mt1 and Mt2 (Figure 2B), which are metalbinding proteins up-regulated in cells under stress (70,71). These two genes are also among the genes that were upregulated in all tissues at PND5 and, notably, they were also up-regulated at PND1 in several tissues (Figure 2C). This indicates that while there were few overall differences at PND1 between SMA and heterozygous mice, increased cellular stress was apparent at the pre-symptomatic stage. Furthermore, GO terms associated with angiogenesis were down-regulated, and we observed the same at PND5 in the brain, where these were among the most significantly down-400 Nucleic Acids Research, 2017, Vol. 45, No.Figure 2. Expression of axon guidance genes is down-regulated in SMA-like mice at PND5 while stress genes are up-regulated. (A) Schematic depiction of the axon guidance pathway in mice from the KEGG database. Gene regulation is indicated by a color gradient going from down-regulated (blue) to up-regulated (red) with the extremity thresholds of log2 fold-changes set to -1.5 and 1.5, respectively. (B) qPCR validation of differentially expressed genes in SMA-like mice at PND5. (C) qPCR validation of differentially expressed genes in SMA-like mice at PND1. Error bars indicate SEM, n 3, **P-value < 0.01, *P-value < 0.05. White bars indicate heterozygous control mice, grey bars indicate SMA-like mice.Nucleic Acids Research, 2017, Vol. 45, No. 1regulated GO terms (Supporting data S5). Likewise, angiogenesis seemed to be affecte.
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