38,42,44,53 A majority of participants–67 of 751 survey respondents and 63 of 57 focus group participants–who were asked about Entecavir (monohydrate) web biobank participation in Iowa preferred opt-in, whereas 18 of survey respondents and 25 of focus group participants in the same study preferred opt-out.45 In a study of 451 nonactive military veterans, 82 thought it would be acceptable for the proposed Million Veterans biobank to use an opt-in approach, and 75 thought that an opt-out approach was acceptable; 80 said that they would take part if the biobank were opt-in as opposed to 69 who would participate if it were an opt-out approach.50 When asked to choose which option they would prefer, 29 of respondents chose the opt-in method, 14 chose opt-out, 50 said either would be acceptable, and 7 would not want to participate. In some cases, biobank participants were re-contacted to inquire about their thoughts regarding proposed changes to the biobank in which they participated. Thirty-two biobank participants who attended focus groups in Wisconsin regarding proposed minimal-risk protocol changes were comfortable with using an opt-out model for future BMS-200475 manufacturer studies because of the initial broad consent given at the beginning of the study and their trust in the institution.44 A study of 365 participants who were re-contacted about their ongoing participation in a biobank in Seattle showed that 55 fpsyg.2015.01413 thought that opt-out would be acceptable, compared with 40 who thought it would be unacceptable.38 Similarly, several studies explored perspectives on the acceptability of an opt-out biobank at Vanderbilt University. First, 91 of 1,003 participants surveyed in the community thought leftover blood and tissues should be used for anonymous medical research under an opt-out model; these preferences varied by population, with 76 of African Americans supporting this model compared with 93 of whites.29 In later studies of community members, approval rates for the opt-out biobank were generally high (around 90 or more) in all demographic groups surveyed, including university employees, adult cohorts, and parents of pediatric patients.42,53 Three studies explored community perspectives on using newborn screening blood spots for research through the Michigan BioTrust for Health program. First, 77 of 393 parents agreed that parents should be able to opt out of having their child’s blood stored for research.56 Second, 87 participants were asked to indicate a preference: 55 preferred an opt-out model, 29 preferred to opt-in, and 16 felt that either option was acceptable.47 Finally, 39 of 856 college students reported that they would give broad consent to research with their newborn blood spots, whereas 39 would want to give consent for each use for research.60 In a nationwide telephone survey regarding the scan/nst010 use of samples collected from newborns, 46 of 1,186 adults believed that researchers should re-consent participants when they turn 18 years old.GenetiCS in MediCine | Volume 18 | Number 7 | JulyIdentifiability of samples influences the acceptability of broad consent. Some studies examined the differences inSyStematic Review(odds ratio = 2.20; P = 0.001), and that participating in the cohort study would be easy (odds ratio = 1.59; P < 0.001).59 Other investigators reported that the large majority (97.7 ) of respondents said "yes" or "maybe" to the idea that it is a "gift" to society when an individual takes part in medical research.46 Many other studies cited the be.38,42,44,53 A majority of participants--67 of 751 survey respondents and 63 of 57 focus group participants--who were asked about biobank participation in Iowa preferred opt-in, whereas 18 of survey respondents and 25 of focus group participants in the same study preferred opt-out.45 In a study of 451 nonactive military veterans, 82 thought it would be acceptable for the proposed Million Veterans biobank to use an opt-in approach, and 75 thought that an opt-out approach was acceptable; 80 said that they would take part if the biobank were opt-in as opposed to 69 who would participate if it were an opt-out approach.50 When asked to choose which option they would prefer, 29 of respondents chose the opt-in method, 14 chose opt-out, 50 said either would be acceptable, and 7 would not want to participate. In some cases, biobank participants were re-contacted to inquire about their thoughts regarding proposed changes to the biobank in which they participated. Thirty-two biobank participants who attended focus groups in Wisconsin regarding proposed minimal-risk protocol changes were comfortable with using an opt-out model for future studies because of the initial broad consent given at the beginning of the study and their trust in the institution.44 A study of 365 participants who were re-contacted about their ongoing participation in a biobank in Seattle showed that 55 fpsyg.2015.01413 thought that opt-out would be acceptable, compared with 40 who thought it would be unacceptable.38 Similarly, several studies explored perspectives on the acceptability of an opt-out biobank at Vanderbilt University. First, 91 of 1,003 participants surveyed in the community thought leftover blood and tissues should be used for anonymous medical research under an opt-out model; these preferences varied by population, with 76 of African Americans supporting this model compared with 93 of whites.29 In later studies of community members, approval rates for the opt-out biobank were generally high (around 90 or more) in all demographic groups surveyed, including university employees, adult cohorts, and parents of pediatric patients.42,53 Three studies explored community perspectives on using newborn screening blood spots for research through the Michigan BioTrust for Health program. First, 77 of 393 parents agreed that parents should be able to opt out of having their child’s blood stored for research.56 Second, 87 participants were asked to indicate a preference: 55 preferred an opt-out model, 29 preferred to opt-in, and 16 felt that either option was acceptable.47 Finally, 39 of 856 college students reported that they would give broad consent to research with their newborn blood spots, whereas 39 would want to give consent for each use for research.60 In a nationwide telephone survey regarding the scan/nst010 use of samples collected from newborns, 46 of 1,186 adults believed that researchers should re-consent participants when they turn 18 years old.GenetiCS in MediCine | Volume 18 | Number 7 | JulyIdentifiability of samples influences the acceptability of broad consent. Some studies examined the differences inSyStematic Review(odds ratio = 2.20; P = 0.001), and that participating in the cohort study would be easy (odds ratio = 1.59; P < 0.001).59 Other investigators reported that the large majority (97.7 ) of respondents said "yes" or "maybe" to the idea that it is a "gift" to society when an individual takes part in medical research.46 Many other studies cited the be.
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