Turition [2,7]. Youssef et al [23] demonstrated that TREM-1 is expressed in myometrium and cervix at term and found that sTREM-1 is upregulated in both tissues with the onset of labor. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to evaluate whether sTREM-1 is upregulated in maternal serum during term and preterm labor vs. non laboring controls and to assess a possible relationship between sTREM-1 serum concentrations and admission-to-delivery interval in women with PTB.delivered before 34 weeks gestation (PTB) (n = 52). This group consisted of 35 patients with preterm premature rupture of the membranes (PPROM) and 17 with PTL and intact membranes. All patients were in labor at the time of sampling; (2) women not in labor, attending the prenatal clinic of Ghent University Hospital and matched for GA with the PTB group. All these women had an uncomplicated pregnancy that proceeded to term delivery (GA matched controls) (n = 52); (3) healthy pregnant women at term in labor (AT in labor) (n = 40). This group included patients in labor with intact membranes (n = 20) and women with premature rupture of the membranes (PROM) (n = 20). (4) healthy pregnant women at term not in labor, undergoing a primary Caesarean section (AT not in labor) (n = 32). Eligibility criteria included age .18 years, gestational age 24 weeks, absence of fetal (congenital) malformations, absence of maternal 60940-34-3 infectious disease (e.g. HIV, hepatitis B) and Dutch speaking. Data on maternal demographics, medical and obstetrical history and pregnancy outcome were recorded.DefinitionsPTL was defined as having regular uterine contractions (six to twelve contractions in one hour) and documented cervical changes before 37 completed week’s gestation. Cervical changes include cervical effacement or dilatation, cervical shortening (,25 mm) and/or funneling and were measured by vaginal examination or order POR 8 transvaginal ultrasonography. PPROM was defined as amniorrhexis at least 1 h before the onset of contractions. A confirmatory test (crystallization test on slide or rapid rupture of membranes (ROM) – test (Amnisure, Boston, US)) was performed if PPROM was suspected on the basis of fluid leakage or oligohydramnion. In case of a positive test, the diagnosis of PPROM was considered. PTB was defined as PTL and/or PPROM, followed by a delivery before 34 weeks. Gestational age was determined based on last menstrual period corrected by early ultrasound before 20 weeks gestation. Sample collection and processing. Blood samples of laboring women (either term or preterm) were collected by the attending midwife upon admission to the labor and delivery ward. Women at term not in labor were sampled prior to their Caesarean section. GA matched controls were recruited from the antenatal clinic. These pregnant women were screened at 20?2 weeks (structural ultrasound) to verify whether they fulfilled the inclusion criteria. When eligible for participationthese women were matched for week of gestation with a PTB case. Sampling was performed during a subsequent prenatal consultation at the appropriate gestational age. Samples were stored at 4uC until processing. Blood samples were centrifuged at 1000 g for 10 minutes at room temperature to harvest serum. All serum samples were stored at 280uC until analysis. Samples used for this study were never thawed previously. sTREM-1 concentrations were determined using an enzyme-linked immunoassay in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions (R D system.Turition [2,7]. Youssef et al [23] demonstrated that TREM-1 is expressed in myometrium and cervix at term and found that sTREM-1 is upregulated in both tissues with the onset of labor. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to evaluate whether sTREM-1 is upregulated in maternal serum during term and preterm labor vs. non laboring controls and to assess a possible relationship between sTREM-1 serum concentrations and admission-to-delivery interval in women with PTB.delivered before 34 weeks gestation (PTB) (n = 52). This group consisted of 35 patients with preterm premature rupture of the membranes (PPROM) and 17 with PTL and intact membranes. All patients were in labor at the time of sampling; (2) women not in labor, attending the prenatal clinic of Ghent University Hospital and matched for GA with the PTB group. All these women had an uncomplicated pregnancy that proceeded to term delivery (GA matched controls) (n = 52); (3) healthy pregnant women at term in labor (AT in labor) (n = 40). This group included patients in labor with intact membranes (n = 20) and women with premature rupture of the membranes (PROM) (n = 20). (4) healthy pregnant women at term not in labor, undergoing a primary Caesarean section (AT not in labor) (n = 32). Eligibility criteria included age .18 years, gestational age 24 weeks, absence of fetal (congenital) malformations, absence of maternal infectious disease (e.g. HIV, hepatitis B) and Dutch speaking. Data on maternal demographics, medical and obstetrical history and pregnancy outcome were recorded.DefinitionsPTL was defined as having regular uterine contractions (six to twelve contractions in one hour) and documented cervical changes before 37 completed week’s gestation. Cervical changes include cervical effacement or dilatation, cervical shortening (,25 mm) and/or funneling and were measured by vaginal examination or transvaginal ultrasonography. PPROM was defined as amniorrhexis at least 1 h before the onset of contractions. A confirmatory test (crystallization test on slide or rapid rupture of membranes (ROM) – test (Amnisure, Boston, US)) was performed if PPROM was suspected on the basis of fluid leakage or oligohydramnion. In case of a positive test, the diagnosis of PPROM was considered. PTB was defined as PTL and/or PPROM, followed by a delivery before 34 weeks. Gestational age was determined based on last menstrual period corrected by early ultrasound before 20 weeks gestation. Sample collection and processing. Blood samples of laboring women (either term or preterm) were collected by the attending midwife upon admission to the labor and delivery ward. Women at term not in labor were sampled prior to their Caesarean section. GA matched controls were recruited from the antenatal clinic. These pregnant women were screened at 20?2 weeks (structural ultrasound) to verify whether they fulfilled the inclusion criteria. When eligible for participationthese women were matched for week of gestation with a PTB case. Sampling was performed during a subsequent prenatal consultation at the appropriate gestational age. Samples were stored at 4uC until processing. Blood samples were centrifuged at 1000 g for 10 minutes at room temperature to harvest serum. All serum samples were stored at 280uC until analysis. Samples used for this study were never thawed previously. sTREM-1 concentrations were determined using an enzyme-linked immunoassay in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions (R D system.
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