Ation. Fractions from each gradient were analyzed in two gels as indicated by the lines. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052824.gExamination of Translational Repression and mRNA Decay in gis2D CellsSince many P-body and stress granule components function in translational repression and/or mRNA decay [39,40], we examined whether Gis2 contributes to these processes. A well-studied example of both translational repression and mRNA decay occurs when yeast growing in glucose-containing media are incubated inmedia lacking glucose [45?7]. Within 10 min, polyribosomes are greatly reduced and there is a concomitant spike in 80S ribosomes [45,46] (also Figure 5A). Two proteins, the DEAD box helicase Dhh1 and the decapping activator Pat1, function in parallel pathways to repress buy 374913-63-0 Terlipressin translation during glucose deprivation [46,48]. Examination of gis2D yeast revealed that translational repression was similar to wild-type cells (Figure 5B). Since neither pat1D nor dhh1D cells fully repress translation upon glucose deprivation [46],Gis2 and CNBP Are Components of RNP GranulesFigure 3. Gis2 accumulates in P-bodies and stress granules during glucose depletion. (A and B) Yeast strains expressing chromosomal Gis2-mCh and (A) the P-body markers Dcp2-GFP and Edc3-GFP or (B) the stress granule markers Pab1-GFP, eIF4G1-GFP, eIF4G2-GFP and Pub1-GFP were grown in glucose-containing media, then resuspended in fresh media that either lacked or contained glucose. After 10 minutes, cells were observed using confocal microscopy. In glucose media (right column), no Gis2-mCh foci were observed; thus only the merged panels are shown. Bars, 5 mm. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052824.gwe examined whether Gis2 affected translational repression in these mutants. Although translational repression in gis2D pat1D cells was similar to pat1D cells (Figures 5C and 5D), we observed a small but reproducible enhancement in the polyribosome pool when gis2D dhh1D cells were compared with dhh1D cells (Figures 5E and 5F, brackets). Quantitation of the polysome to monosome (P/ M) ratio for multiple experiments revealed that although the P/M ratio of gis2D lysates upon glucose depletion was indistinguishable from wild-type lysates, the P/M ratio for dhh1D lysates was 2.1-fold (6.4) higher than for wild-type lysates, while gis2D dhh1D lysates had a P/M ratio that was 3.3-fold (6.6) higher than wild-type and gis2D lysates (Figure 5G), suggesting that Gis2 may contribute to translational repression in dhh1D cells.Because 35S-methionine incorporation in wild-type cells is strongly inhibited upon glucose deprivation [45], but is still detectable in dhh1D mutants [49], we examined whether we could detect enhanced incorporation in gis2D dhh1D cells. As expected from the polyribosome profiles, 35S-methionine incorporation was almost completely inhibited in wild-type and gis2D cells (reduced by 97.661.9 and 98.161.1 , respectively) following glucose deprivation (Figure S1). Consistent with the small increase in polyribosomes in gis2D dhh1D cells, the rate of 35S-methionine incorporation was always slightly higher in gis2D dhh1D cells than in dhh1D cells following glucose removal. However, the difference did not reach statistical significance, with 35S-methionine incorporation reduced by 91.162.0 in dhh1D and 88.162.2 inGis2 and CNBP Are Components of RNP GranulesFigure 4. Gis2 accumulates in P-bodies and stress granules during stationary phase. (A and B) Yeast strains expressing chromosomal Gis2mCh and the.Ation. Fractions from each gradient were analyzed in two gels as indicated by the lines. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052824.gExamination of Translational Repression and mRNA Decay in gis2D CellsSince many P-body and stress granule components function in translational repression and/or mRNA decay [39,40], we examined whether Gis2 contributes to these processes. A well-studied example of both translational repression and mRNA decay occurs when yeast growing in glucose-containing media are incubated inmedia lacking glucose [45?7]. Within 10 min, polyribosomes are greatly reduced and there is a concomitant spike in 80S ribosomes [45,46] (also Figure 5A). Two proteins, the DEAD box helicase Dhh1 and the decapping activator Pat1, function in parallel pathways to repress translation during glucose deprivation [46,48]. Examination of gis2D yeast revealed that translational repression was similar to wild-type cells (Figure 5B). Since neither pat1D nor dhh1D cells fully repress translation upon glucose deprivation [46],Gis2 and CNBP Are Components of RNP GranulesFigure 3. Gis2 accumulates in P-bodies and stress granules during glucose depletion. (A and B) Yeast strains expressing chromosomal Gis2-mCh and (A) the P-body markers Dcp2-GFP and Edc3-GFP or (B) the stress granule markers Pab1-GFP, eIF4G1-GFP, eIF4G2-GFP and Pub1-GFP were grown in glucose-containing media, then resuspended in fresh media that either lacked or contained glucose. After 10 minutes, cells were observed using confocal microscopy. In glucose media (right column), no Gis2-mCh foci were observed; thus only the merged panels are shown. Bars, 5 mm. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052824.gwe examined whether Gis2 affected translational repression in these mutants. Although translational repression in gis2D pat1D cells was similar to pat1D cells (Figures 5C and 5D), we observed a small but reproducible enhancement in the polyribosome pool when gis2D dhh1D cells were compared with dhh1D cells (Figures 5E and 5F, brackets). Quantitation of the polysome to monosome (P/ M) ratio for multiple experiments revealed that although the P/M ratio of gis2D lysates upon glucose depletion was indistinguishable from wild-type lysates, the P/M ratio for dhh1D lysates was 2.1-fold (6.4) higher than for wild-type lysates, while gis2D dhh1D lysates had a P/M ratio that was 3.3-fold (6.6) higher than wild-type and gis2D lysates (Figure 5G), suggesting that Gis2 may contribute to translational repression in dhh1D cells.Because 35S-methionine incorporation in wild-type cells is strongly inhibited upon glucose deprivation [45], but is still detectable in dhh1D mutants [49], we examined whether we could detect enhanced incorporation in gis2D dhh1D cells. As expected from the polyribosome profiles, 35S-methionine incorporation was almost completely inhibited in wild-type and gis2D cells (reduced by 97.661.9 and 98.161.1 , respectively) following glucose deprivation (Figure S1). Consistent with the small increase in polyribosomes in gis2D dhh1D cells, the rate of 35S-methionine incorporation was always slightly higher in gis2D dhh1D cells than in dhh1D cells following glucose removal. However, the difference did not reach statistical significance, with 35S-methionine incorporation reduced by 91.162.0 in dhh1D and 88.162.2 inGis2 and CNBP Are Components of RNP GranulesFigure 4. Gis2 accumulates in P-bodies and stress granules during stationary phase. (A and B) Yeast strains expressing chromosomal Gis2mCh and the.
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