Ware (GE Healthcare, Uppsala, Sweden). Only proteins with significantly altered levels were excised for identification by LC-MS/MS (p,0.05).Figure 1. Venn diagram showing distribution of total Dimethylenastron web kidney proteins identified with differences in expression from the 2DPAGE and LC-MS/MS-based proteome. The numbers indicate the total protein identified from each comparison (control, 10 and 50 ppmF A/J and 129P3/J) and the number of proteins commonly identified between them. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053261.gResults Renal F ConcentrationMean kidney F (6se) concentrations for A/J mice for control, 10 ppmF and 50 ppmF groups were: 0.12660.008, 0.17460.007 and 0.29660.026 mg/g. The corresponding values for 129P3/J mice were 0.13960.015, 0.16360.010 and 0.19860.046 mg/g, respectively. Two-way ANOVA revealed a significant difference among the treatments (F = 35.13, p,0.0001), but not between the strains (F = 0.099, p = 0.756) without significant interaction between these criteria (F = 0.124, p = 0.884). For both strains, significantly higher kidney F concentrations were found for the 50 ppmF group, when compared with control and 10 ppmF groups that did not significantly differ from each other.Identification of Differentially Expressed ProteinsFor the statistical analysis, comparisons were performed between the strains as follows: Control groups (A/J vs 129P3/J mice), 10 ppmF groups (A/J vs 129P3/J mice), and 50 ppmF groups (A/J vs 129P3/J mice). Tables 1? show the proteins that were differentially expressed (p,0.05) in each comparison. Representative 2D map of each comparison is also shown in the Supplementary Information (Figures S1-S3). Quantitative intensity analysis showed 26 changed spots between control groups (Table 1). Among them, 14 spots were up-modulated, while were 12 down-regulated in control 129P3/J mice, when compared to control A/J mice. In general, the kidney proteome dataset was found to be significantly related with several metabolic and cellular processes pathways. Most of the 14 proteins up-modulated in the kidney of 129P3/J mice are related with metabolism (57.2 ), while 28.6 are involved in cell processes and the remainder in information pathways (7.1 ) and transport (7.1 ). A similar pattern was observed for the proteins that were down-regulated in kidney 129P3/J mice. The respective percentages were 50.0, 25.0, 16.7 and 8.3 (Table 1). From the differentially expressed proteins in control groups, 10 were exclusively expressed in this comparison whereas 2, 6, and 8 proteins were also present in either 10 ppmF or 50 ppmF or both F-treated groups, respectively (Figure 1). For the comparison between the A/J and 129P3/J mice treated with 10 ppmF, 14 proteins were increased and 17 diminished in kidney of 129P3/J. Among the increased proteins, 64.3 are related with metabolism, while 35.7 are associated with cell processes. Most of the 166518-60-1 site decreased proteins are also related to metabolism (41.1 ), followed by information pathways (23.6 ), cell processes (17.6 ), transport (11.8 ) and structure (5.9 )(Table 2). From the differentially expressed proteins in 10 ppmF group, 15 were exclusively expressed in this comparison whereas 2, 6 and 8 proteins were also present in either control or 50 ppmF or in both groups, respectively (Figure 1). Regarding the comparison between the groups treated with 50 ppmF, 18 proteins were significantly up-regulated and 13 down-modulated in kidney of 129P3/J mice when compared with A/J mice. Fourteen of eighte.Ware (GE Healthcare, Uppsala, Sweden). Only proteins with significantly altered levels were excised for identification by LC-MS/MS (p,0.05).Figure 1. Venn diagram showing distribution of total kidney proteins identified with differences in expression from the 2DPAGE and LC-MS/MS-based proteome. The numbers indicate the total protein identified from each comparison (control, 10 and 50 ppmF A/J and 129P3/J) and the number of proteins commonly identified between them. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053261.gResults Renal F ConcentrationMean kidney F (6se) concentrations for A/J mice for control, 10 ppmF and 50 ppmF groups were: 0.12660.008, 0.17460.007 and 0.29660.026 mg/g. The corresponding values for 129P3/J mice were 0.13960.015, 0.16360.010 and 0.19860.046 mg/g, respectively. Two-way ANOVA revealed a significant difference among the treatments (F = 35.13, p,0.0001), but not between the strains (F = 0.099, p = 0.756) without significant interaction between these criteria (F = 0.124, p = 0.884). For both strains, significantly higher kidney F concentrations were found for the 50 ppmF group, when compared with control and 10 ppmF groups that did not significantly differ from each other.Identification of Differentially Expressed ProteinsFor the statistical analysis, comparisons were performed between the strains as follows: Control groups (A/J vs 129P3/J mice), 10 ppmF groups (A/J vs 129P3/J mice), and 50 ppmF groups (A/J vs 129P3/J mice). Tables 1? show the proteins that were differentially expressed (p,0.05) in each comparison. Representative 2D map of each comparison is also shown in the Supplementary Information (Figures S1-S3). Quantitative intensity analysis showed 26 changed spots between control groups (Table 1). Among them, 14 spots were up-modulated, while were 12 down-regulated in control 129P3/J mice, when compared to control A/J mice. In general, the kidney proteome dataset was found to be significantly related with several metabolic and cellular processes pathways. Most of the 14 proteins up-modulated in the kidney of 129P3/J mice are related with metabolism (57.2 ), while 28.6 are involved in cell processes and the remainder in information pathways (7.1 ) and transport (7.1 ). A similar pattern was observed for the proteins that were down-regulated in kidney 129P3/J mice. The respective percentages were 50.0, 25.0, 16.7 and 8.3 (Table 1). From the differentially expressed proteins in control groups, 10 were exclusively expressed in this comparison whereas 2, 6, and 8 proteins were also present in either 10 ppmF or 50 ppmF or both F-treated groups, respectively (Figure 1). For the comparison between the A/J and 129P3/J mice treated with 10 ppmF, 14 proteins were increased and 17 diminished in kidney of 129P3/J. Among the increased proteins, 64.3 are related with metabolism, while 35.7 are associated with cell processes. Most of the decreased proteins are also related to metabolism (41.1 ), followed by information pathways (23.6 ), cell processes (17.6 ), transport (11.8 ) and structure (5.9 )(Table 2). From the differentially expressed proteins in 10 ppmF group, 15 were exclusively expressed in this comparison whereas 2, 6 and 8 proteins were also present in either control or 50 ppmF or in both groups, respectively (Figure 1). Regarding the comparison between the groups treated with 50 ppmF, 18 proteins were significantly up-regulated and 13 down-modulated in kidney of 129P3/J mice when compared with A/J mice. Fourteen of eighte.
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