Enable the production of N-terminal functionalized GFP in vivo. To demonstrate this, the gene for GFPhs-r5M was expressed in the Met auxotrophic E. coli with the addition of Met surrogates, Hpg or Aha, according to the previously reported procedures [14]. Hpg and Aha are unnatural amino acids containing alkyne and azide groups respectively, which are illustrated in Figure S2. The soluble expression of GFPhs-r5M with Hpg or Aha was confirmed by SDS-PAGE (Figure 3A) and the corresponding active fluorescent proteins were produced despite an approximately 20 decrease in whole cell fluorescence compared to GFPhs-r5M with Met (Figure 3B). The proteins produced were purified and analyzedIn Vivo N-Terminal Functionalization of Proteinby ESI-MS to identify the incorporation of Hpg or Aha. The Hpg or Aha incorporated proteins showed an exact mass shift of 222 and 25 Da corresponding to one Met residue substitution of the respective unnatural amino acids (Figure S3). The ESI-MS data in the Figure S3 also showed an incorporation efficiency of .90 . These results clearly show that active GFP with N-terminal specific functional groups with high yield could be produced using the engineered GFPhs-r5M and Met residue substitution method.Characterization of the Functionalized GFP VariantsThe specific fluorescence, reItacitinib biological activity folding rate and folding 117793 robustness of the N-terminal functionalized GFPhs-r5M with Hpg or Aha (designated as GFPhs-r5M-Hpg and GFPhs-r5M-Aha respectively) were compared with those of GFPhs-r5M to examine the biophysical effects of N-terminal functionalization on the protein. The biophysical properties of GFPnt were also examined and compared as a control. As shown in Figure 4, GFPhs-r5M, GFPhs-r5M-Hpg and GFPhs-r5M-Aha exhibited similar specific fluorescence activities, which suggest that the addition of alkyne or azide on the Nterminus of the protein did not affect the protein activity negatively. On the other 15755315 hand, the specific fluorescent activities of GFPhs-r5M and its derivatives were approximately 1.5? fold higher than that of GFPnt. This indicates that the mutations introduced into GFPnt-r5M for folding enhancement had influence on the spectral properties of protein in addition to the folding efficiency. This also suggests that the higher whole cell fluorescence of GFPhs-r5M than that of GFPnt in Figure 2 was caused by an enhancement of the specific fluorescent activity as well as by an increase in the soluble expression level. Figure 5 shows the refolding kinetics of the GFPnt, GFPhsr5M, and GFPhs-r5M with Hpg or Aha. Both GFPhs-r5M-Hpg and GFPhs-r5M-Aha showed similar folding rates in both the fast and slow phases compared to GFPhs-r5M, which were 4? fold higher folding rate compared to GFPnt. These results are correlated with the soluble expressions level of GFPnt and GFPhs-r5M (Figure S1). The study on folding robustness was carried out by estimating the refolding tolerance of the four GFP variants to protein denaturant. The fractions of recovered fluorescence under different urea concentrations were determined after 24 hours and their C0.5 were estimated from the refolding equilibrium plot (Figure 6). The estimated C0.5 values of the GFP variants suggest that the incorporation of the unnatural amino acids has little effect on
the folding robustness. Overall, the GFPhs-r5M and its variants with N-terminal specific functional groups showed comparable biophysical properties, and their specific activity, refolding rate and folding r.Enable the production of N-terminal functionalized GFP in vivo. To demonstrate this, the gene for GFPhs-r5M was expressed in the Met auxotrophic E. coli with the addition of Met surrogates, Hpg or Aha, according to the previously reported procedures [14]. Hpg and Aha are unnatural amino acids containing alkyne and azide groups respectively, which are illustrated in Figure S2. The soluble expression of GFPhs-r5M with Hpg or Aha was confirmed by SDS-PAGE (Figure 3A) and the corresponding active fluorescent proteins were produced despite an approximately 20 decrease in whole cell fluorescence compared to GFPhs-r5M with Met (Figure 3B). The proteins produced were purified and analyzedIn Vivo N-Terminal Functionalization of Proteinby ESI-MS to identify the incorporation of Hpg or Aha. The Hpg or Aha incorporated proteins showed an exact mass shift of 222 and 25 Da corresponding to one Met residue substitution of the respective unnatural amino acids (Figure S3). The ESI-MS data in the Figure S3 also showed an incorporation efficiency of .90 . These results clearly show that active GFP with N-terminal specific functional groups with high yield could be produced using the engineered GFPhs-r5M and Met residue substitution method.Characterization of the Functionalized GFP VariantsThe specific fluorescence, refolding rate and folding robustness of the N-terminal functionalized GFPhs-r5M with Hpg or Aha (designated as GFPhs-r5M-Hpg and GFPhs-r5M-Aha respectively) were compared with those of GFPhs-r5M to examine the biophysical effects of N-terminal functionalization on the protein. The biophysical properties of GFPnt were also examined and compared as a control. As shown in Figure 4, GFPhs-r5M, GFPhs-r5M-Hpg and GFPhs-r5M-Aha exhibited similar specific fluorescence activities, which suggest that the addition of alkyne or azide on the Nterminus of the protein did not affect the protein activity negatively. On the other 15755315 hand, the specific fluorescent activities of GFPhs-r5M and its derivatives were approximately 1.5? fold higher than that of GFPnt. This indicates that the mutations introduced into GFPnt-r5M for folding enhancement had influence on the spectral properties of protein in addition to the folding efficiency. This also suggests that the higher whole cell fluorescence of GFPhs-r5M than that of GFPnt in Figure 2 was caused by an enhancement of the specific fluorescent activity as well as by an increase in the soluble expression level. Figure 5 shows the refolding kinetics of the GFPnt, GFPhsr5M, and GFPhs-r5M with Hpg or Aha. Both GFPhs-r5M-Hpg and GFPhs-r5M-Aha showed similar folding rates in both the fast and slow phases compared to GFPhs-r5M, which were 4? fold higher folding rate compared to GFPnt. These results are correlated with the soluble expressions level of GFPnt and GFPhs-r5M (Figure S1). The study on folding robustness was carried out by estimating the refolding tolerance of the four GFP variants to protein denaturant. The fractions of recovered fluorescence under different urea concentrations were determined after 24 hours and their C0.5 were estimated from the refolding equilibrium plot (Figure 6). The estimated C0.5 values of the GFP variants suggest that the incorporation of the unnatural amino acids has little effect on the folding robustness. Overall, the GFPhs-r5M and its variants with N-terminal specific functional groups showed comparable biophysical properties, and their specific activity, refolding rate and folding r.