S. The protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee for Animal Experimentation (Service de la consommation et des affaires veterinaires, Epalinges, Switzerland; No. 1172.5). Sufficient amount of food and water for transportation and period before sacrificing of the rats was added by the commercial provider. All animals were sacrificed 48 hours after commercial delivery by decapitation with the use of a guillotine to avoid animal suffering.fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP; Millipore, USA) for astrocytes, galactocerebroside (GalC; Millipore, USA) on DIV 8 and myelin basic protein (MBP; Santa Cruz Biotechnology, USA) on DIV 14 for oligodendrocytes, and peroxidase-labeled isolectin B4 (SigmaAldrich, USA) on DIV 8 for microglia. Briefly, sections were fixed for 1 h in 4 paraformaldehyde in PBS at room temperature. Endogenous peroxidase activity was quenched with 1.5 H2O2 in PBS (Sigma-Aldrich, Germany) and non-specific antibody binding sites were blocked with 1 bovine serum albumin (Sigma-Aldrich, Germany) in PBS for 1 h. Primary antibodies diluted 1:100 in 1 bovine serum albumin in PBS where applied to sections and further detected with anti-mouse or anti-rabbit IgG coupled to horseradish peroxidase (HRP, Bio-Rad Laboratories, USA). Staining was processed using the AEC Substrate Set for BDTM ELISPOT according to the manufacturer’s protocol (BD Biosciences, USA). For negative controls, the primary antibodies were omitted resulting in no staining. The stained sections were mounted under FluorSaveTM Reagent (Calbiochem, USA), observed and digitized using an Olympus BX50 microscope equipped with a UC30 digital camera (Olympus, Japan).ImmunofluorescenceDetection of cleaved caspase-3 in aggregates was performed with the Tyramide Signal Amplification Kit (Life Technologies, USA). Aggregate cryosections (16 mm) were subjected to the same procedure as described above for immunohistochemistry. Nonspecific antibody binding sites were blocked for 1 h at room temperature with the PS 1145 blocking buffer of the kit. The primary antibody against the large fragment (17/19 kDa) of Gracillin supplier activated caspase-3 (Cell Signaling Technology, USA), diluted 1:1000 in blocking buffer, was applied to sections overnight at 4uC. After washing, sections were incubated with a HRP anti-rabbit IgG secondary antibody (provided by the kit) for 1 h. Peroxidase staining was performed using Alexa FluorH 555-labeled tyramide diluted 1:200 in amplification buffer (provided by the kit) and applied to sections for 10 min. Negative controls were processed the same but omitting the primary antibody resulting in no staining. Sections were mounted under FluorSaveTM reagent. The sections were observed and photographed with an Olympus BX50 microscope equipped with a UC30 digital camera.Rat 3D Organotypic Brain Cell Cultures in AggregatesPregnant Sprague-Dawley rats (Harlan; Netherlands) were sacrificed on day 15 of gestation. Fetal whole brains were extracted, pooled and mechanically dissociated. 3.66107 cells were grown in 8 ml of a serum-free, chemically-defined medium with 25 mM glucose and maintained under constant gyratory agitation at 37uC, in an atmosphere of 10 CO2 and 90 humidified air to form reaggregated 3D primary brain cell cultures as previously described [14,15]. Media were replenished every three days from day-in-vitro (DIV) 5, by exchanging 5 ml of medium per culture. On the day of harvest aggregate pellets were washed three times with ice-cold PBS and either embedded for histol.S. The protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee for Animal Experimentation (Service de la consommation et des affaires veterinaires, Epalinges, Switzerland; No. 1172.5). Sufficient amount of food and water for transportation and period before sacrificing of the rats was added by the commercial provider. All animals were sacrificed 48 hours after commercial delivery by decapitation with the use of a guillotine to avoid animal suffering.fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP; Millipore, USA) for astrocytes, galactocerebroside (GalC; Millipore, USA) on DIV 8 and myelin basic protein (MBP; Santa Cruz Biotechnology, USA) on DIV 14 for oligodendrocytes, and peroxidase-labeled isolectin B4 (SigmaAldrich, USA) on DIV 8 for microglia. Briefly, sections were fixed for 1 h in 4 paraformaldehyde in PBS at room temperature. Endogenous peroxidase activity was quenched with 1.5 H2O2 in PBS (Sigma-Aldrich, Germany) and non-specific antibody binding sites were blocked with 1 bovine serum albumin (Sigma-Aldrich, Germany) in PBS for 1 h. Primary antibodies diluted 1:100 in 1 bovine serum albumin in PBS where applied to sections and further detected with anti-mouse or anti-rabbit IgG coupled to horseradish peroxidase (HRP, Bio-Rad Laboratories, USA). Staining was processed using the AEC Substrate Set for BDTM ELISPOT according to the manufacturer’s protocol (BD Biosciences, USA). For negative controls, the primary antibodies were omitted resulting in no staining. The stained sections were mounted under FluorSaveTM Reagent (Calbiochem, USA), observed and digitized using an Olympus BX50 microscope equipped with a UC30 digital camera (Olympus, Japan).ImmunofluorescenceDetection of cleaved caspase-3 in aggregates was performed with the Tyramide Signal Amplification Kit (Life Technologies, USA). Aggregate cryosections (16 mm) were subjected to the same procedure as described above for immunohistochemistry. Nonspecific antibody binding sites were blocked for 1 h at room temperature with the blocking buffer of the kit. The primary antibody against the large fragment (17/19 kDa) of activated caspase-3 (Cell Signaling Technology, USA), diluted 1:1000 in blocking buffer, was applied to sections overnight at 4uC. After washing, sections were incubated with a HRP anti-rabbit IgG secondary antibody (provided by the kit) for 1 h. Peroxidase staining was performed using Alexa FluorH 555-labeled tyramide diluted 1:200 in amplification buffer (provided by the kit) and applied to sections for 10 min. Negative controls were processed the same but omitting the primary antibody resulting in no staining. Sections were mounted under FluorSaveTM reagent. The sections were observed and photographed with an Olympus BX50 microscope equipped with a UC30 digital camera.Rat 3D Organotypic Brain Cell Cultures in AggregatesPregnant Sprague-Dawley rats (Harlan; Netherlands) were sacrificed on day 15 of gestation. Fetal whole brains were extracted, pooled and mechanically dissociated. 3.66107 cells were grown in 8 ml of a serum-free, chemically-defined medium with 25 mM glucose and maintained under constant gyratory agitation at 37uC, in an atmosphere of 10 CO2 and 90 humidified air to form reaggregated 3D primary brain cell cultures as previously described [14,15]. Media were replenished every three days from day-in-vitro (DIV) 5, by exchanging 5 ml of medium per culture. On the day of harvest aggregate pellets were washed three times with ice-cold PBS and either embedded for histol.
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