Reticulon 1A/B Antibody (RNL-2)

Product: CGP 25456A

Reticulon 1A/B Antibody (RNL-2) Summary

Clone RNL-2 is a mouse monoclonal IgG1 antibody derived by fusion of SP2/0-Ag14 mouse myeloma cells with spleen cells from a BALB/c mouse immunized with the small cell lung cancer cell line NCI-H82. RNL-2 recognizes an epitope located within the region of amino acids 421-589 of the neuro-endocrine specific protein Reticulon-1A (NSP-A), which is also present in the N-terminal part of Reticulon-1B (NSP-B).
RNL-2 recognizes an epitope located within the region of amino acids 421-589 of the neuro-endocrine specific protein Reticulon-1A (NSP-A), which is also present in the N-terminal part of Reticulon-1B (NSP-B). In normal tissues, RNL-2 reacts with brain Purkinje cells, pancreatic islet cells, cells in the pituitary gland and some (peripheral) nerve fibers. In addition, a few epithelia show positive staining.
Protein A or G purified
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  • Western Blot 1:100-1:1000
  • Flow Cytometry 1:25-1:200
  • Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence 1:10-1:500
  • Immunohistochemistry 1:10-1:500
  • Immunohistochemistry-Frozen 1:25-1:200
  • CyTOF-ready

Reactivity Notes

Rhesus Primate

Packaging, Storage & Formulations

Store at 4C short term. Aliquot and store at -20C long term. Avoid freeze-thaw cycles.
0.09% Sodium Azide
1 mg/ml
Protein A or G purified

Alternate Names for Reticulon 1A/B Antibody (RNL-2)

  • reticulon-1
  • NSP
  • reticulon 1


Recently, a novel gene family has been identified and characterized, designated the Reticulons because the proteins encoded by these genes are anchored to the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum. Reticulon-1 was formerly designated NSP for Neuroendocrine-Specific-Protein, because it is specifically expressed in neural and neuroendocrine tissues. The NSP-gene has been mapped by fluorescence in situ hybridization to human chromosome 14q21-q22. The NSP-gene encodes three overlapping proteins, i.e. Reticulon-1A (NSP-A), Reticulon-1B (NSP-B), and Reticulon-1C (NSP-C). These proteins were found to be anchored to membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum through their common carboxy-terminal regions. Reticulon-1A is a protein with a molecular weight (MW) of about 135 kDa, which occurs in various isoforms presumably depending on the degree of phosphorylation of serine residues. In lung cancer diagnosis Reticulon-1A appeared to be a reliable marker for the detection of neuroendocrine differentiation, since most of the small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) and carcinoid tumors showed expression of Reticulon-1A. Reticulon-1B is a phosphoprotein with a MW of 45 kDa and is restricted to the lung cancer cell line NCI-H82. Reticulon-1B is sofar not found in human tissues. Reticulon-1C is a protein with a MW of 23 kDa which is not phosphorylated and is found with Reticulon-1A in SCLC (cell lines) and not in non-SCLC (cell cultures).

PMID: 14700201