Rat B Cell Isolation Kit

Product: CI-1040

Rat B Cell Isolation Kit Summary

The MagCellect Rat B Cell Isolation Kit is designed to isolate B cells via a negative selection principle. The resulting cell preparation is highly enriched with B cells. Typical recovery of the targeted cell population ranges from 40-65% and the purity of recovered B cells ranges from 80-90%.

Kit Type
Isolation Kit

Packaging, Storage & Formulations

Store at 4C. Do not freeze.

Kit Components

  1. 1.0 ml of a Rat B Cell Biotinylated Antibody Cocktail, 1.25 ml of a Streptavidin Ferrofluid, 10 ml of a 10X Buffer


Other Supplies Required: MagCellect Magnet, Mouse Erythrocyte Lysing Kit, 12 x 75 mm (5 ml) or 17 x 100 mm (15 ml) polystyrene round bottom tubes, Sterile Pasteur pipettes or transfer pipettes, Sterile deionized or distilled water, Hanks BSS or equivalent, Bovine serum


MagCellect products are designed for the isolation of cells in a “liquid phase”. MagCellect technology is based on the use of ferrofluids or magnetic nanoparticles that have no magnetic memory (superparamagnetic) and behave like colloidal particles. This feature allows the ferrofluids to remain in solution without the need for mixing and additionally allows for efficient diffusion kinetics during the binding reaction. The proprietary manufacturing technology of MagCellect Ferrofluids generates particles with higher ligand binding capacity per mass compared to many other larger diameter magnetic particles.

PMID: 23336064