Laminin beta 1 Antibody [Biotin]

Product: MK-5172 (hydrate)

Laminin beta 1 Antibody [Biotin] Summary

Produced against a mixture of synthetic peptides corresponding to regions of adherence on laminin.
Extracellular. Found in the basement membranes.
Schwann Cell Marker
Negligible cross-reactivity with Type I, II, III, IV, V or VI Collagens or Fibronectin. Non-specific cross reaction of anti-Laminin antibodies with other human serum proteins or non-Laminin extracellular matrix proteins is negligible.
IgG purified
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  • Western Blot
  • Immunohistochemistry
  • Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin
Application Notes
This product was assayed by immunoblot and found to be reactive against Laminin at a dilution of 1:5,000 – 1:10,000. This product was also assayed against 1.0 ug of Laminin in a standard sandwich ELISA using Peroxidase conjugated Affinity Purified anti-Rabbit IgG [H&L] and ABTS ELISA PEROXIDASE SUBSTRATE for 30 minutes at room temperature. A working dilution of 1:4,000 – 1:8,000 of the stock concentration is suggested for this product. For immunohistochemistry on paraffin embedded tissue dilute the product 1:50 – 1:200.
Readout System
  • Streptavidin Full length Protein
  • Streptavidin Full length Protein
  • Streptavidin Full length Protein

Reactivity Notes

Cross-reacts with most Mammals.

Packaging, Storage & Formulations

Store at 4C in the dark.
0.05% Sodium Azide
IgG purified

Alternate Names for Laminin beta 1 Antibody [Biotin]

  • CLM
  • cutis laxa with marfanoid phenotype
  • Laminin B1 chain
  • laminin subunit beta-1
  • laminin, beta 1
  • Laminin-1 subunit beta
  • Laminin-10 subunit beta
  • Laminin-12 subunit beta
  • Laminin-2 subunit beta
  • Laminin-6 subunit beta
  • Laminin-8 subunit beta
  • MGC142015


Laminin, the most abundant structural and biologically active component in basement membranes, is a complex extracellular glycoprotein with an approximate molecular weight of 900 kDa. It plays an important role in many aspects of the cell biology. Laminin is composed of one A chain (400 kDa) one B1 chain (215 kDa) and one B2 chain (205 kDa) all held together by disulfide bonds. The molecule has a cross like form with globular units near the ends of each chain, the sites where it is bound to Collagen IV, heparan sulfate, proteoglycan as well as to the surface of epithelial cells. Laminins from various species have common antigenic determinants. Laminin is only found in significant quantities in basement membranes, the thin extracellular matrices that surround epithelial tissue, nerve, fat cells and smooth, striated and cardiac muscle. It has been found to modulate cell differentiation, cell shaping and also cell movement because it appears to be an important cell substrate adhesion protein. Variations in the expression of this protein have been observed in embryogenesis, organogenesis, post traumatic healing and cancer. The greatest interest in laminin has been provoked by the discovery of its ability to promote neurite regeneration.

PMID: 20065018