Human TNF-alpha ELISA Kit

Product: Kuromanin (chloride)

Human TNF-alpha ELISA Kit Summary

Standard Curve Range
7.8 – 500 pg/mL
2.3 pg/mL
Kit Type


Application Notes
The human TNF-alpha ELISA is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the quantitative detection of human TNF-alpha

Reactivity Notes


Packaging, Storage & Formulations

Storage of components varies. See protocol for specific instructions.

Kit Components

  1. Adhesive Films
  2. Aluminium pouch(es) with a Microwell Plate coated with monoclonal antibody to human TNF-alpha
  3. Assay Buffer Concentrate 20x (PBS with 1% Tween 20 and 10% BSA)
  4. Control low, lyophilized
  5. Control high, lyophilized
  6. Biotin-Conjugate anti-human TNF-alpha polyclonal antibody
  7. Human TNF-alpha Standard lyophilized, 1000 pg/mL upon reconstitution
  8. Sample Diluent
  9. Stop Solution (1M Phosphoric acid)
  10. Streptavidin-HRP
  11. Substrate Solution (tetramethyl-benzidine)
  12. Wash Buffer Concentrate 20x (PBS with 1% Tween 20)

Alternate Names for Human TNF-alpha ELISA Kit

  • APC1 protein
  • Cachectin
  • Cachetin
  • DIF
  • TNF
  • TNF, monocyte-derived
  • tnfa
  • tnf-a
  • TNFalpha
  • TNF-alpha
  • TNF-alphacachectin
  • TNFATNF, macrophage-derived
  • TNFSF2
  • TNFSF2TNF superfamily, member 2
  • tumor necrosis factor (TNF superfamily, member 2)
  • tumor necrosis factor alpha
  • Tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 2
  • tumor necrosis factor
  • tumor necrosis factor-alpha


Tumor Necrosis Factor is a polypeptide cytokine produced by monocytes and macrophages. It functions as a multipotent modulator of immune response and further acts as a potent pyrogen. TNF-alpha circulates throughout the body responding to stimuli (infectious agents or tissue injury), activating neutrophils, altering the properties of vascular endothelial cells, regulating metabolic activities of other tissues, as well as exhibiting tumoricidal activity by inducing localized blood clotting. TNF-alpha also inhibits lipoprotein lipase activity resulting in cachexia, a physical wasting condition. Activation of B-cells by the Epstein Barr virus can be inhibited by TNF-alpha. Due to its varied actions throughout the immune system, TNF-alpha may play a role in the pathogenesis of many disease states. TNF-alpha production is mediated by the action of lymphokines and endotoxins on the macrophage. Purified monocytes produce TNF-alpha within four hours of stimulation by recombinant IL-2 and there is some in vitro evidence to suggest that TNF-alpha is expressed at high levels and with prolonged kinetics in T cells stimulated by both CD2 and CD28. Secretion of TNF-alpha is enhanced by gamma interferon. TNF then induces or enhances the specific production of Class I MHC antigen, GM-CSF, and IL-1.

PMID: 10964415