CD3 Purification Kit

Product: ICG-001

CD3 Purification Kit Summary

Designed to prepare purified human T cell populations via high affinity negativeselection. The resulting column eluate is a highly enriched T cell population withminimal depletion of T cell constituents. Store at 2 – 8° C. DO NOT FREEZE.


  • Available for human, mouse, and rat cells
  • Purifies CD3+ T cells to 87 – 95%
  • Based upon gravitational flow
  • Simple procedure
  • No specialized equipment required

    Mononuclear cell suspensions are loaded onto T Cell Enrichment Columns containing glass beads coated with Ig and anti-Ig. B cells bind to anti-Ig coated beads by F(ab)-surface Immunoglobulin (Ig) interactions. Monocytes bind to Ig coated beads via Fc interactions. The resulting column eluate contains highly enriched T cell populations.

    CD3+ is a universal marker for T cells. Total CD3+ cell recovery ranges between 37% and 54% of initial CD3+ cells loaded. The purity of recovered cells ranges from 87% to 95%. These enriched T cell populations are then available for cell culture, activation studies, phenotyping, immune status monitoring, and flow cytometry.
  • Kit Type
    Purification Kit

    Packaging, Storage & Formulations

    Store at 4°C.

    Kit Components

    1. 10X Column Buffer
    2. Cell Selection Column

    Alternate Names for CD3 Purification Kit

    • anti-CD3 okt3
    • CD3 antigen, delta subunit
    • CD3
    • CD3d antigen
    • CD3d antigen, delta polypeptide (TiT3 complex)
    • CD3d molecule, delta (CD3-TCR complex)
    • CD3-DELTA
    • CD3e antigen
    • CD3e antigen, epsilon polypeptide (TiT3 complex)
    • CD3e molecule, epsilon (CD3-TCR complex)
    • CD3-epsilon
    • CD3g antigen
    • CD3g antigen, gamma polypeptide (TiT3 complex)
    • CD3g molecule, epsilon (CD3-TCR complex)
    • CD3g molecule, gamma (CD3-TCR complex)
    • CD3G
    • CD3-GAMMA
    • FLJ17620
    • FLJ17664
    • FLJ18683
    • FLJ79544
    • FLJ94613
    • MGC138597
    • okt3 ab
    • okt3 CD3
    • okt3 hybridoma
    • okt3
    • T3DOKT3, delta chain
    • T3E
    • T-cell antigen receptor complex, epsilon subunit of T3
    • T-cell receptor T3 delta chain
    • T-cell surface antigen T3/Leu-4 epsilon chain
    • T-cell surface glycoprotein CD3 delta chain
    • T-cell surface glycoprotein CD3 epsilon chain
    • TCRE


    The T cell receptor (TCR)/CD3 complex consists of two variable antigen-recognition receptor chains (TCR-alpha/TCR-beta or TCR-gamma/TCR-delta) that are non-covalently linked to at least four different invariant chains: CD3 gamma, CD3 delta, CD3 epsilon, and the CD3 zeta chain that exists as either a homodimer or as a heterodimer with its splice-variant the CD3 eta chain. The CD3 complex functions to transduce intracellular signals during TCR antigen recognition. CD3 is expressed early in thymocyte development, and on a subset of NK cells. CD3 epsilon is one of at least three invariant proteins that associate with the variable antigen recognition chains of the T cell receptor and function in signal transduction.

    PMID: 8189223