HE, Pedersen JI, Loken EB, Tverdal A Dietary aspects plus the incidence of hip fracture in middle-aged Norwegians. A prospective study. Am J Epidemiol 145: 117123. 15. 14636-12-5 web Trimpou P, Landin-Wilhelmsen K, Oden A, Rosengren A, Wilhelmsen L Male threat variables for hip fracture-a 30-year follow-up study in 7,495 guys. Osteoporos Int 21: 409416. 16. Liu H, Yao K, Zhang W, Zhou J, Wu T, et al. Coffee consumption and threat of fractures: a meta-analysis. Arch Med Sci 8: 776783. 17. Kanis JA, Oden A, McCloskey EV, Johansson H, Wahl DA, et al. A systematic overview of hip fracture incidence and probability of fracture worldwide. Osteoporos Int 23: 22392256. 18. Fredholm BB, Battig K, Holmen J, Nehlig A, Zvartau EE Actions of caffeine in the brain with special reference to things that contribute to its widespread use. Pharmacol Rev 51: 83133. 19. Andersson HC, Hallstrom H, Kihlman BA Intake of caffeine and other methylxanthines in the course of pregnancy and threat for adverse effects in pregnant women and their foetuses. TemaNord 2004: 565. Copenhagen: Nordic Council of JSI-124 manufacturer Ministers. 387 p. Out there: http://www.norden.org/sv/publikationer/ publikationer/2004-565/publicationfile. Accessed 2014 April 28. 20. Hallstrom H, Byberg L, Glynn A, Lemming EW, Wolk A, et al. Long term Coffee Consumption in Relation to Fracture Danger and Bone Mineral Density in Females. Am J Epidemiol 178: 898909. 21. Hallstrom H, Melhus H, Glynn A, Lind L, Syvanen AC, et al. Coffee consumption and CYP1A2 genotype in relation to bone mineral density of the proximal femur in elderly men and girls: a cohort study. Nutr Metab 7: 12. 22. Jarvinen TL, Sievanen H, Khan KM, Heinonen A, Kannus P Shifting the focus in fracture prevention from osteoporosis to falls. BMJ 336: 124126. 1379592 23. Wagner H, Melhus H, Gedeborg R, Pedersen NL, Michaelsson K Simply ask them about their balancefuture fracture danger in a nationwide cohort study of twins. Am J Epidemiol 169: 143149. 24. The Cohort of Swedish Guys. Out there: http://ki.se/ki/jsp/polopoly. jspd = 22104&l = en. Accessed 2014 February 3. 25. Bergstrom L, Hagman U, Ericsson H, Bruce A The food composition database KOST: the National Food Administration’s information system for nutritive values of food. Var Foda: 439447. 26. Willett WC, Howe GR, Kushi LH Adjustment for total energy intake in epidemiologic studies. Am J Clin Nutr 65: 1220S1228S; discussion 1229S 1231S. 27. Messerer M, Johansson SE, Wolk A The validity of questionnaire-based micronutrient intake estimates is increased by including dietary supplement use in Swedish guys. J Nutr 134: 18001805. 28. Discacciati A, Orsini N, Andersson SO, MedChemExpress K162 Andren O, Johansson JE, et al. Coffee consumption and threat of localized, advanced and fatal prostate cancer: a population-based prospective study. Ann Oncol 24: 19121918. 29. Calltorp J, Adami HO, Astrom H, Fryklund L, Rossner S, et al. Country profile: Sweden. Lancet 347: 587594. 30. Norman A, Bellocco R, Bergstrom A, Wolk A Validity and reproducibility of self-reported total physical activitydifferences by relative weight. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 25: 682688. 31. Larsson SC, Rutegard J, Bergkvist L, Wolk A Physical activity, obesity, and danger of colon and rectal cancer inside a cohort of Swedish guys. Eur J Cancer 42: 25902597. 32. Charlson ME, Pompei P, Ales KL, Eledoisin site MacKenzie CR A new method of classifying prognostic comorbidity in longitudinal studies: development and validation. J Chronic Dis 40: 373383. 33. Quan H, Sundararajan V, Halfon P, Fong A, Burnand B, et al. Coding.HE, Pedersen JI, Loken EB, Tverdal A Dietary things and the incidence of hip fracture in middle-aged Norwegians. A prospective study. Am J Epidemiol 145: 117123. 15. Trimpou P, Landin-Wilhelmsen K, Oden A, Rosengren A, Wilhelmsen L Male threat things for hip fracture-a 30-year follow-up study in 7,495 men. Osteoporos Int 21: 409416. 16. Liu H, Yao K, Zhang W, Zhou J, Wu T, et al. Coffee consumption and risk of fractures: a meta-analysis. Arch Med Sci 8: 776783. 17. Kanis JA, Oden A, McCloskey EV, Johansson H, Wahl DA, et al. A systematic critique of hip fracture incidence and probability of fracture worldwide. Osteoporos Int 23: 22392256. 18. Fredholm BB, Battig K, Holmen J, Nehlig A, Zvartau EE Actions of caffeine within the brain with specific reference to variables that contribute to its widespread use. Pharmacol Rev 51: 83133. 19. Andersson HC, Hallstrom H, Kihlman BA Intake of caffeine along with other methylxanthines during pregnancy and threat for adverse effects in pregnant ladies and their foetuses. TemaNord 2004: 565. Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers. 387 p. Available: http://www.norden.org/sv/publikationer/ publikationer/2004-565/publicationfile. Accessed 2014 April 28. 20. Hallstrom H, Byberg L, Glynn A, Lemming EW, Wolk A, et al. Extended term Coffee Consumption in Relation to Fracture Risk and Bone Mineral Density in Ladies. Am J Epidemiol 178: 898909. 21. Hallstrom H, Melhus H, Glynn A, Lind L, Syvanen AC, et al. Coffee consumption and CYP1A2 genotype in relation to bone mineral density of the proximal femur in elderly men and girls: a cohort study. Nutr Metab 7: 12. 22. Jarvinen TL, Sievanen H, Khan KM, Heinonen A, Kannus P Shifting the concentrate in fracture prevention from osteoporosis to falls. BMJ 336: 124126. 1379592 23. Wagner H, Melhus H, Gedeborg R, Pedersen NL, Michaelsson K Merely ask them about their balancefuture fracture danger within a nationwide cohort study of twins. Am J Epidemiol 169: 143149. 24. The Cohort of Swedish Men. Readily available: http://ki.se/ki/jsp/polopoly. jspd = 22104&l = en. Accessed 2014 February 3. 25. Bergstrom L, Hagman U, Ericsson H, Bruce A The food composition database KOST: the National Food Administration’s information system for nutritive values of food. Var Foda: 439447. 26. Willett WC, Howe GR, Kushi LH Adjustment for total energy intake in epidemiologic studies. Am J Clin Nutr 65: 1220S1228S; discussion 1229S 1231S. 27. Messerer M, Johansson SE, Wolk A The validity of questionnaire-based micronutrient intake estimates is increased by including dietary supplement use in Swedish men. J Nutr 134: 18001805. 28. Discacciati A, Orsini N, Andersson SO, Andren O, Johansson JE, et al. Coffee consumption and threat of localized, advanced and fatal prostate cancer: a population-based prospective study. Ann Oncol 24: 19121918. 29. Calltorp J, Adami HO, Astrom H, Fryklund L, Rossner S, et al. Country profile: Sweden. Lancet 347: 587594. 30. Norman A, Bellocco R, Bergstrom A, Wolk A Validity and reproducibility of self-reported total physical activitydifferences by relative weight. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 25: 682688. 31. Larsson SC, Rutegard J, Bergkvist L, Wolk A Physical activity, obesity, and danger of colon and rectal cancer in a cohort of Swedish men. Eur J Cancer 42: 25902597. 32. Charlson ME, Pompei P, Ales KL, MacKenzie CR A new method of classifying prognostic comorbidity in longitudinal studies: development and validation. J Chronic Dis 40: 373383. 33. Quan H, Sundararajan V, Halfon P, Fong A, Burnand B, et al. Coding.
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