l or additional glucose. The results indicated that at an osmolarity similar to the highest concentration of mannitol, which contributed 40 mOsm/L to the medium, NaCl had little effect on tobramycin sensitivity in P. aeruginosa biofilms, hence 30 and 50 mM NaCl were added to the medium, which are equivalent to 60 and 100 mOsm/L, respectively. At 100 mOsm/L NaCl or 40 mM glucose there was a 96.5% and 99.3% reduction in persister cells by NaCl and glucose, respectively, compared to tobramycin alone treatments. The effects of NaCl were significantly less than that observed for the mannitol at 40 mM, but the effects of additional glucose, although less, were not significantly different from those of mannitol. The persister phenotype can be reverted by mannitol in both young and Salianic acid A biological activity established biofilms The effect of mannitol on persister cells was further assessed by examining its capacity to revert persister cells in pre-grown biofilms. First, young P. aeruginosa biofilms were 4 Mannitol Reverts Persister Bacteria in Biofilms doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0084220.g002 5 Mannitol Reverts Persister Bacteria in Biofilms pre-grown for 5 h and treated with tobramycin for 1 h to select for persister cells, after which time mannitol was added to the culture medium. Addition of mannitol was found to significantly revert, in a concentration dependent manner, the persister phenotype of biofilm cells remaining after tobramycin treatment. At 40 mM and after 1 h, mannitol exposure resulted in less than 30 CFU cm-2 compared to 3.3 104 CFU cm-2 in the absence of mannitol. After 2 h, the addition of mannitol increased the antibiotic effect by 99.5% when treating young biofilms. Addition of NaCl also significantly increased the efficacy of tobramycin. Again, the concentrations at which NaCl triggered an effect corresponded to much higher osmolarities compared to the effective concentrations of mannitol. When NaCl and mannitol were tested at the same osmolarity, NaCl had a substantially lower effect compared to 20 mM mannitol. At high NaCl osmolarities, which were 2-fold higher than the osmolarity 20571074 of effective mannitol concentration, the maximal inhibitions were similar compared to 40 mM mannitol, and there was no statistically significant difference for the high NaCl concentration relative to the mannitol. Addition of glucose at 40 mM resulted in a 99.4% reduction of persisters after 2 h, a similar outcome compared to mannitol and high concentrations of NaCl. Secondly, the effect of mannitol on established biofilms was assessed. Biofilms were grown in batch culture for 20 h. Previous studies showed that at this time, glucose has been entirely consumed and biofilms have undergone dispersal events after the onset of starvation. After 1 h exposure to tobramycin, 9.1 104 CFU cm-2 remained in the biofilm, compared to 4.4 105 CFU cm-2 in untreated biofilms, indicating that 21% of bacteria in established biofilms were persisters. In contrast, only 0.1% of the population of young biofilms were persisters. The addition of mannitol to established biofilms increased the efficacy of tobramycin, with 40 mM mannitol reducing the biofilm to 3.9 103 CFU cm-2 after 3 h, representing a 77% increased killing efficacy compared to tobramycin alone. Glucose at 40 mM also increased the efficacy of tobramycin by 76% after 3 h. Interestingly, the addition of NaCl had no 2435173 effect. and does not have any effect on biofilm dispersal or prevention of biofilm formation. To confirm that mannitol d