xibility; this effect is most pronounced for the native and Rutoside web methylamine activated forms. However, it should be noted that in the absence of high-resolution models of ECAM our SAXS data alone cannot provide a definitive answer. A more accurate Kratky plot representation revealed some slight structural flexibility that is most pronounced for the native form. A potential interpretation could be that the C-terminal domain of ECAM can adopt several conformations in solution upon activation. This interpretation is supported by the EM observations/comparison with C3b which show two potential positions for this domain. Conformational modifications of ECAM resemble those of eukaryotic C3 to C3b Using the scattering data collected on ID14-3, we initially calculated models of native ECAM using GASBOR with Structural Studies of a Bacterial a2-Macroglobulin default options. After fifteen 20952447” independent models were generated, they were averaged by DAMAVER. Subsequently, a refined averaged model was calculated using GASBOR by employing a fixed core input file calculated by DAMSTART. The envelope of the methylamine-activated and protease-reacted forms of ECAM indicate a clear conformational modification, generating a surface with a pear-like shape in all three cases. Notably, for all three forms, the conformational change generates 4 Structural Studies of a Bacterial a2-Macroglobulin 5 Structural Studies of a Bacterial a2-Macroglobulin radially averaged scattered X-ray intensity was plotted as a function of the momentum transfer s. Scattering patterns for ECAM in native form, after reaction with methylamine, elastase and chymotrypsin were recorded in different concentrations but only the curves relating to the highest concentration are shown. Inset, detail of differences in distinct side maxima. Distance distributions p of native, methylamine-reacted, elastase, and chymotrypsin of ECAM. All curves were normalized. Inset, detail of maxima of p functions. 23416332” doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0035384.g003 what seems to be a cavity in the central part of the molecule. This feature is reminiscent of the `MG key ring’ reported in structures of C3b and other complement activation factors. Notably, in the C3 complement system, nucleophilic activation of the inactive thioester induces the TED and CUB domains to move away from the MG key ring, causing the thioester to become exposed; notably, in different structures of C3b, the final position of the TED domain is slightly modified, with respect to the angle that it makes with the rest of the structure. Thus, in order to explore the possibility that modification of the shape of ECAM from elongated into pear-like could correspond to a conformational change involving clear movement of the TED domain, we manually docked the structures of C3 and C3b onto the SAXS envelopes of native ECAM and methylamine-activated ECAM, respectively. The results are shown in Figs. 5A and 5B, where the envelopes are displayed as a gray mesh, and the structures of C3/C3b as blue ribbons. Results of similar structural comparisons using the program CRYSOL are shown in Fig. S4. An initial observation that can be inferred from the abovementioned figures is that both C3 and C3b are similar to ECAM. Interestingly, in the native form of the molecule, one notices additional density for ECAM in a region that corresponds to the C-terminus of C3. This extra density is also visible in the activated form of the molecule, albeit to a lesser extent. The views shown